Author(s): National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2001

The National Governors Associations Center for Best Practices presents this Issue Brief which is the first of three that will explore and demonstrate effective policies and practices that best integrate economic development and the arts.

Author(s): Kelley, Tom
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

IDEO, the widely admired, award-winning design and development firm that brought the world the Apple mouse, Polaroid's I-Zone instant camera, the Palm V, and hundreds of other cutting-edge products and services, reveals its secrets for fostering a culture and process of continuous innovation.

Author(s): Mottram, Judith and Whale, George
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

Of all undergraduate courses, fine art courses can be seen as the least structured. In focusing on the individual, the issue of exactly what constitutes モsubject knowledge in fine art is sidestepped. With important new developments in disciplines that inform visual understanding and the gradual displacement of traditional, craft-based studio practices by digital technologies, the limitations of self-directed learning are likely to become more evident, and the issue of subject knowledge needs to be addressed.

Author(s): Brugg Bawdenm, Allison
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2000

This issue paper focuses on three major ways people generally experience culture: through personal attendance, traditional media, and new media, as well as five barriers to participation: lack of adequate funding, disability, geographic remoteness, inadequate literacy, and some of the policies that shape access to the Internet and other media.

Author(s): National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture (NAMAC)
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2000

This report takes a look at representatives of the media arts as they develop a plan to carry their industry's aesthetic and political values, and move their organizations into the emerging global media culture.

Author(s): Candy, Linda
Date of Publication: Aug 01, 2000

The article suggests that a holistic strategy which combines developing technology alongside creative action to produce technology that can play a part in extending the boundaries of human though and action.

Author(s): Thurow, Lester C.
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2000

The shift to an era of man-made brain-power industries is creating the technologies that are creating a global economy.

Author(s): The UPS Foundation
Date of Publication: May 31, 2000

This report is an update on the second year of the Volunteer Impact Initiative. It outlines specific volunteer mobilization and community impact achieved in the Initiatives second year and describes common strategies used by UPS Foundation grantees to effectively mobilize volunteers.

Author(s): Bradford, Gigi: Gary,Michael; and Wallach, Glenn
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2000

A volume of essays introduced and edited by the Center for Arts and Culture staff that surveys issues we will face in the next century.

Author(s): Kingsley, Elizabeth; Harmon, Gail; Pomeranz, John; Guinane, Kay
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1999

A fundamental change is happening in the way nonprofit organizations engage in grass roots activism, driven by the growth of the Internet. However, while many organizations have recognized the Internet's power and have already begun to use it for organizing and advocacy, the law governing these activities has been slow in expanding to encompass these new techniques for advocacy. This guide tries to fill the gap, offering guidance.
