Author(s): Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

A strategic business plan, based on current research data, designed to address the needs and issues facing arts and cultural organizations and constituents in the Sacramento Metropolitan area.

Author(s): Day, Douglas and Bulger, Peggy A.
Date of Publication: Aug 21, 2001

One organization has defined cultural policy as, “in the aggregate, the values and principles, which guide any social entity in cultural affairs.”

Author(s): Early, James; Fitzpatrick, James; Lloyd, Mark; Romano, John; Sohn, Gigi; Wattenberg, Ben
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2001

The publication provides an overview and analysis of freedom and diversity of expression. Discussed were the cultural policy implications of freedom of expression issues, ranging from V-chip technology to federal support of the arts and television.

Author(s): The Maine Cultural Affairs Council
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2001

In 1998, the Maine Cultural Affairs Council (MCAC), a collaborative made up of the Maine Arts Commission, Maine Historic Preservation Commission, Maine State Library, Maine State Museum, Maine Historical Society, Maine State Archives, and the Maine Humanities Council, worked to develop the New Century Community Program (NCCP). The Program’s grantmaking, direct service, and technical assistance activities focused on three areas: (1) advancing the economic and social development of Maine’s communities by strengthening their arts and cultural resources; (2) expanding access to

Author(s): Shaffer Bacon, Barbara; Yuen, Cheryl; and Korza, Pam
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1999

This report best serves as a framework upon which to build. In publishing Animating Democracy through its Institute for Community Development and the Arts, Americans for the Arts is pleased to launch a broader effort: the Animating Democracy Initiative. Supported by the Ford Foundation, the Initiative will be a four-year endeavor to continue to chart and bolster this work.

Author(s): Parkhurst, Carolyn
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 1997

This issue of Monographs will examine the ways in which community arts organizations can make use of literary programming to reach new audiences.

Author(s): Matarasso, Francois
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1997

Report offers an account of evidence found of social impacts arising from participation in the arts,a nd some methos used in the research. Report is targeted for policy makers in the arts and social fields.

Author(s): Barber, Benjamin R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The arts can flourish in democracy but have often developed with remarkable vibrancy as part of a culture of dissent or rebellion in autocratic societies. Democracy needs the arts (and the humanities which they anchor), for they constitute a crucial element in civil society's cultural infrastructure. Yet the democratic impulse has sometimes found itself at odds with artists and felt threatened by the avante garde or anti-majoritarian or the aristocratic in culture. (from abstract)

Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

This compendium presents a diverse collection of 130 arts programs from across the country that address community development issues.

Author(s): President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

This report provides a broad overview of the current condition of the arts and the humanities, in the nonprofit, for-profit and amateur sectors, including its size and strengths as well as the weaknesses in its system of financial support. The report makes recommendations for a Millennium Initiative to celebrate the arts and the humanities for the year 2000. It also makes recommendations in five keys areas.
