Author(s): Johnston, Michael
Date of Publication: Feb 28, 1999

Now revised and expanded, this easy-to-use guide is packed with the vital information and advice you need to attain and maintaina cyberadvantage. Covering everything from computer basics to designing your own Web site, it shows you how to get connected, conduct research, raise funds, expand your outreach with both adults and kids ンelectronically, and much more. With complete details on the latest technological advances, market trends, and cutting-edge tools.

Author(s): Dertouzos, Michael
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

This is a book about tomorrow's Information Age, from the underlying technologies and their uses in nearly every human activity to their social, political and economic repercussions. One picture pulls together these developments - a twenty-first century village marketplace, where people and computers buy, sell, and freely exchange information and information services.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Learn how to maximize use of the World Wide Web for your funding research. Packed with a wealth of information, including abstracts of more than 200 foundation Web sites and dozens of related nonprofit sites of interest, The Foundation Center's Guide to Grantseeking on the Web provides both novice and experienced Web users with a gateway to the numerous online resources available to grantseekers. Foundation center staff experts have team-authored this guide, contributing their extensive knowledge of Web content as well as their tips and strategies on how to evaluate and use Web

Author(s): Conner, Kiersten and Krol, Ed
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

In 1992, The Whole Internet introduced millions of readers to the Internet. But times have changed. In 1992, you had to tell people how to use a Web browser. These days, any third grader can tell you how to click on a link.

Whether you're a corporate attorney or a gourmet chef, you already know the Internet's a valuable resource. But you may not know how to make it work for you. To catch up with the many changes that have taken place, and to try some of the new tools now available, The Whole Internet: The Next Generation is the book you have to read.

Author(s): Bergman, Sheila; Langan, Nancy; and Stoner, Scott D.
Date of Publication: May 31, 1996

This issue of Monographs provides profiles of how local arts agencies, arts organizations, and educators are incorporating new technologies into their already-existing programming and curriculum.

Author(s): Galligan, Ann M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1995

The first article, based on a paper presented at the 1990 Conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, chronicles my personal involvement with technology as a social and educational tool in the form of tape-recorded tours at The Picasso Retrospective, a large-scale exhibit of the works of Pablo Picasso at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in 1980.

Author(s): Getty Art History Information Program
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1995

Executive Summary:

Author(s): White, Michele
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1995

Doctoral candidate Michele White, in her article Virtual Culture: The Space of the Museum on MOOs (Multi-user, object oriented worlds) takes readers on a not-so-futuristic voyage into an environment free from the confines of time and space within the virtual world of text-based museums. Virtual worlds are part of a growing network of communities and are amalgamations of technological interfaces, computer programming, and real bodies. Virtual spaces are accessible through the information superhighway, a worldwide communications network, where the boundaries of a community are

Author(s): Roberts, Tom
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 1995

This issue of Monographs is a basic introduction to the online world, and presents some of the questions, tools and context you will need to consider as you build your agency's links to the information superhighway.

Author(s): Taylor, E. Andrew
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1994

New media technologies are changing the way performing arts audiences, and potential audiences, perceive the world. Perceive is the operative word, because the new media change more than just the palette of entertainment options available to arts audiences. They alter the way we receive, perceive and process information. For performing artists and performing arts presenters, who are primarily collectors, processors and distributors of creative information, this should be a point of particular concern.
