Brian "BR" McDonald

After getting out of the Army in 2008, Brian "BR" McDonald decided to get back to his roots as an actor/singer and founded the Veteran Artist Program (VAP), an nonprofit organization that helps veterans launch (or re-launch) careers in the arts by connecting them to working artists.  From personal experience, McDonald found that many veterans have drive and artistic skills, but their years of service have disconnected them from the professional networks working artists need.

VAP puts veteran artists and professional artists together on projects — performances, gallery exhibits, albums, films, and more — to produce art informed by veterans’ experiences. It’s also helping McDonald personally transition from life in the military and intelligence community back to the arts.

BR McDonald grew up singing and performing in Taiwan where he lived for 8 years as a missionary kid speaking Mandarin Chinese. After graduating with a vocal performance degree from UNC at Chapel Hill, the events of 9/11 occurred and BR knew it was his time to be part of something larger than himself. He enlisted in the Army and spent 2 years learning Arabic, preparing for some of the toughest assignments in some of the most elite units the military has to offer.

During his time in the service, BR put his love of the arts on hold and focused on being the best soldier he could be. Ironically, he found his background of living overseas and his experience as a performer was what made him successful in the Army, meeting many creative individuals who had put their careers and passion for the arts on hold for service to their country. Most people put the two experiences of military and arts at odds, but BR realized that he could connect these seemingly disparate worlds. He saw that other military men and women could benefit from an organization that created exposure, opportunity, and awareness for veterans hoping to return to a career in the arts.

BR McDonald is the Founder/Director of the Veteran Artist Program, which started in Baltimore, MD in 2009 and has since conducted projects in New York City, Washington, DC, and Orlando, FL, with projects planned in Chicago and San Diego in the next year. BR is a current advocate and leader in the national veteran community and also co-founded The 6th Branch, a veteran-led community service organization tackling aggressive projects in underserved neighborhoods. BR currently lives in Alexandria, VA and works in Intelligence Futures for the Army at the Pentagon.  Most recently, as well as partnering in the 2014 Telling Project, McDonald organized an exhibit of VAP artwork featured at the Pentagon from 2013-2014 which was then moved to the Russell Senate Building the first week in December 2014.  The move was sponsored by US Senator Tim Kaine and brought legislative attention to the positive connection between the arts and veterans.  BR McDonald hopes to put VAP on a national stage where veterans can believe that art is an option and know they have the support they need to achieve greatness.