Danielle Williams

Now You Can Build a Winning Website

Posted by Danielle Williams, Jun 06, 2014

Danielle Williams

Ms. Kimberly Hedges

5 Reasons You Should Launch a Website in “Beta”

Posted by Ms. Kimberly Hedges, Jun 06, 2014

Ms. Kimberly Hedges

Kim Hedges Kim Hedges

The day we planned to launch the new AmericansForTheArts.org website, everyone on staff was ready for a party-a pizza party to be exact–to celebrate all our hard work and the debut of our beautiful new site.

While the web team was humbled by staff's faith in us and their palpable joy about the new site they helped create, we were a little less ready to celebrate.

Yes, technically, we just needed to make one DNS update on that day to point traffic from our old site to the new one and viola, a new site is launched.

But, it's actually not that simple.

Yes, we had spent weeks testing the site and getting everything in order, but the traffic of 10 people testing a site just doesn't match the traffic of your daily visitors. When you open your site to that increased traffic, they stretch it in different ways, interact with it differently, and a new level of testing begins.

And that’s the testing that really matters-whether you acknowledge it or not.

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Mr. Raheem Dawodu, Jr.

Ms. Caitlin Holland

Kick Your Content Up a Notch with Multimedia

Posted by Mr. Raheem Dawodu, Jr., Ms. Caitlin Holland, Jun 05, 2014

Mr. Raheem Dawodu, Jr.

Ms. Caitlin Holland

Earlier in this blog salon, we discussed the ten ways you could improve the website you already have, as well as the ways you could  create engaging content for your website.

In both of those posts, we briefly highlighted the use of multimedia - graphics, video, animation, audio - as a way to make your content more interactive.

But, what is multimedia? And what is the best way to use it to tell your organization’s story?

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Mr. Joshua Jenkins

Learning Website Lingo on the Fly

Posted by Mr. Joshua Jenkins, Jun 05, 2014

Mr. Joshua Jenkins

Joshua Jenkins Joshua Jenkins

Working on a website redesign or refresh can become easily overwhelming, especially if you don’t consider yourself well-versed in the lingo, countless acronyms, and big concepts that get tossed around throughout the process.

Learning a few of these more “techy” concepts, how they function, and why they are important will make navigating through the design and development process a lot easier.

Here’s a rundown of some important concepts to grasp:

Information Architecture

When you are setting out to redesign your website, the concept of information architecture is paramount and one to consider in the early stages. The Information Architecture (IA) structures your website’s content in the way you’d like the user to experience it.

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