Author(s): Baker, Ramona A.
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2009

This Monograph will consider the changes in United Arts Funds as they are being thrust into a larger community leadership role, their causes, and the ways in which the field is adapting.

Author(s): Wolff, Steven A. and Borenstein, Joshua
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2009

When AMS Planning & Research began working with Americans for the Arts on its strategic planning process, an essential part of the effort was a comprehensive national environmental scan. The scan explored opportunities and challenges facing America’s arts and culture sector by gathering input from more than 6,000 individuals who represent the breadth of the field.

Author(s): Prescott, Kate E. H.
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 2007

More than 2,300 participants from 21 cities participated in the 41 forums, which were directed by a wide cross section of experts—from business leaders and elected officials to artists and arts-based training consultants, from human resource and education professionals to arts administrators.

Author(s): Borstel, John; Korza, Pam; Assaf, Andrea, Dwyer, Chris; Valdez, Mark; Brown, Denise; Schaffer Bacon, Barbara
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

Aesthetic Perspectives is a framework developed by Animating Democracy to enhance understanding and evaluation of Arts for Change—creative work at the intersection of arts and community/civic engagement, community development, and justice.  Arts for Change projects often challenge the conventional terms by which creative work is described and assessed.  In the U.S., evaluative practices—from academia to art criticism to funding panels—have historically been dominated by Euro-American values.  Developed by artists with ally evaluators and funders, the

Author(s): Head, Al
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2016

This report outlines the state of Alabama's efforts to bolster support and advoacy for Arts Education through the establishment of an Arts Education Leadership Team. The task force also looked at several data points and cultural climate indicators. 

Author(s): Katherine Gressel
Date of Publication: Jan 07, 2012

This article provides an overview of challenges in evaluating public art.

Author(s): Laramee Kidd, Susannah; Korza, Pam
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

The Evaluator / Researcher Companion to Animating Democracy’s framework, Aesthetic Perspectives: Attributes of Excellence in Arts for Change, offers ideas and insights to help evaluators and researchers apply the framework to address their needs and interests.  Aesthetic Perspectives aims to enhance understanding and evaluation of creative work at the intersection of arts and community/civic engagement, community development, and justice. It offers 11 artistic attributes that elevate aesthetics in civically and socially engaged art, expand the criteria for

Author(s): Gan, Anne Marie; Voss, Zannie and Voss, Glenn B.
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2014

"In the March 2013 budget resolution for FY 2014, the House Committee on the Budget raised concerns that the activities and content funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) constitute “a wealth transfer from poorer to wealthier citizens.” ......This research examines the accuracy of this argument through data-driven inquiry.

Author(s): Senie, Harriet F.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2003

The idea of responsible criticism is, of course, predicated on  the existence of public art criticism, period, a body of writing that has yet to reach critical mass. There are various factors responsible for the present near vacuum. Public art operates outside the gallery system; it cannot be exhibited in  museums except by proxy (drawings, models, photographs). And, most significantly, its economic function doesn’t generate revenue within the art business. If it is commissioned directly from the artist, there may be no fee for the gallery. There are few ads and therefore

Author(s): Stern, Mark J. and Seifert, Susan C.
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2017

This report presents the current findings of a study of culture and social wellbeing in New York City conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP) in collaboration with Reinvestment Fund. The project began in the fall of 2014 when SIAP accepted an invitation from Tom Finkelpearl, Commissioner of Cultural Affairs for the City, to conduct a study of the social value of the arts. The study builds on SIAP’s over twenty years of research and writing on the non-­‐ economic impact of the arts on urban communities. During that time, SIAP has

Author(s): CollegeBoard
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

The SAT College-Bound Seniors Reports provide valuable information summarized for seniors who took the SAT or SAT Subject Tests at any time in high school.

Author(s): Parsad, Basmat and Spiegelman, Maura
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2012

This report presents selected findings from a congressionally mandated study on arts education in public K–12 schools. The data were collected through seven Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) surveys during the 2009-10 school year. This report provides national data about arts education for public elementary and secondary schools, elementary classroom teachers, and elementary and secondary music and visual arts specialists. Comparisons with data from the 1999–2000 FRSS arts education study are included where applicable.

Author(s): The Massachusetts Cultural Council
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This report examines the investment of the state of Massachusetts in the arts and culture. According to the report, Massachusetts ranks 42nd in the nation in the average grant it awards to cultural organizations and community projects. 

Author(s): Arts Education in Maryland Schools
Date of Publication: Sep 01, 2014

This report examines the state of Maryland’s policies and regulations on arts curriculum and instruction; determines the current status of arts education in Maryland schools; and, makes recommendations to the Governor’s P-20 Leadership Council regarding fine arts education in Maryland.

Author(s): Grimes, Madeline
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2015

The market for symphony orchestras and universities is closely examined by assessing the behavior of Yougstown State Univeristy students and their consumption of the art form. The study investigates factors that may influence Youngstown State University students in their consumption, such as poor marketing of events, alternative forms of entertainment, and high ticket prices.

Author(s): Stubbs, Ryan
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Americans for the Arts has commissioned five essays spanning the intricacies of arts, entertainment, and cultural districts specifically for policymakers, arts leaders, planning professionals, community development practitioners, and others who are interested in developing new districts or adapting existing ones.


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