Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2013

This executive summary provides a overview of the Local Arts Agency Salaries 2013 report which provides detailed statistics about the salaries and demographics of the nation's Local Arts Agency (LAAs) employees. The data collected in March 2013 after receiving 753 responded from 2,199 survey's e-mailed to LAAs.

Author(s): Sanoff, Henry and Mishchenko, Evrim Demir
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

The Community Arts Center Handbook is a collection of illustrated methods to aid arts organizations at various stages of the planning and design process. Setting up a new arts council or improving an existing requires a visioning process that offers community participants opportunities to make their arts concerns known, as well as planned actions to achieve desired outcomes. The effectiveness of an organization depends upon a relationship to its constituents, who may be actual members or the broader public. The transparency of the arts groups' goals can influence the way that media is

Author(s): edited by LaMoine MacLaughlin and Maryo Gard Ewell
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2010

This electronic book is a collaborative project by the members of the Robert E. Gard Wisconsin Idea Foundation Board. The work is compiled and edited by Mike Warlum and includes selections from works by Robert Gard. The eBook is part of the Cleveland State University Scholarship Collection at the Michael Schwartz Library and was published by MSL Academic Endeavors.

Author(s): Gard Ewell, Maryo and Warlum, Michael F.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2006

This new version of The Arts in the Small Community - a National Plan maintains the organization and all the "big" and timeless ideas of the original as well as the examples from the five test communities, but has supplemented it with contemporary examples from communities all across the country including urban and suburban. Discussions on business, public education, and communications were rewritten to reflect the evolution on these fronts in the past thirty-five years. An appendix summarizes what is happening in the test communities today.

Author(s): Silber, Bohne and Triplett, Tim
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

This report synthesizes findings across several modes of arts participation (attending the visual and performing arts, reading literature, creating/performing art, using digital media to consume art, and learning within the arts) to show how many American adults--and from which backgrounds--have engaged in art throughout the decade of 2002 to 2012. Based on the NEA's Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA), conducted in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau.

Author(s): Sidford, Holly
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2011

In this report, we make the case that more foundation funding in the arts should directly benefit lower-income communities, people of color and disadvantaged populations, broadly defined, and that more resources should be allocated to expand the role of arts and culture in addressing the inequalities that challenge our communities. There are compelling humanistic, demographic, aesthetic and economic reasons to move in this direction. By doing so, philanthropy can shape a more inclusive and dynamic cultural sector, as well as a more equitable, fair and democratic world.

Author(s): McCarthy, Kevin F.; Heneghan Ondaatje, Elizabeth ; and Novak, Jennifer L.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2007

This study examines the size and structure of the arts sector and systems of support in major metropolitan areas and identifies strategies for sustainability, with the aim of providing policy recommendations to the city of Philadelphia.

Author(s): Pollock, Karen D.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

This article traces the development of the AISP software program for the benefit of local arts agencies in Pennsylvania|In March of 1982, four executive directors of major Pennsylvania local arts agencies (LAAs) met informally to discuss common needs and problems regarding information management. During this brief plenary session, the four agreed that there was a need for a statewide initiative in the area of computers and information systems for local arts agencies. These conversations were the genesis of the Pennsylvania Arts Information Systems Project (PAIS).

Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1994

Conducted by the National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies, this three-year study focuses on 33 communities ranging in population from 8,500 to 2.5 million. The study examined data from 789 nonprofit organizations in order to compile a national average. The study was designed to document nonprofit arts expenditures in a cross section of American communities and demonstrate the economic impact gained from investing in the arts. Key findings show that of the 1.3 million jobs supported annually by the nonprofit arts industry in the U.S., 908,800 were in the arts sector, a direct result of

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: May 31, 2013

This report provides detailed statistics about the salaries and demograhics of the nation's Local Arts Agency (LAAs) employees. The data colled in March 2013 after receiving 753 responsed from 2,199 survey's e-mailed to LAAs.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1994

This report highlights findings from Arts in the Local Economy conducted by the National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies. This three-year study focuses on 33 communities ranging in population from 8,500 to 2.5 million. The study examined data from 789 nonprofit organizations in order to compile a national average.

Author(s): Associated Councils of the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1975

This report examines that cities and counties can support the arts in the local community.

Author(s): Chew, Ron
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2009

This essay underscores the crucial contributions of this segment of cultural organizations in the cultural ecosystem and toward achieving healthy communities and a healthy democracy.

Author(s): Bill Moskin and Jill Jackson
Date of Publication: May 31, 1999

This Monograph explores an alternative view of stabilization, one that comes from a community perspective and focuses on the delivery of cultural services to a community rather than on individual cultural institutions. In the process, some emerging trends surrounding cultural participation, regionalism, and a new form of philanthropy will be identified.

Author(s): Johnson, Angela
Date of Publication: Mar 31, 1996

This issue of Monographs will provide an overview of cultural diversity as it relates to the local arts agency field, as well as raise difficult questions, offer suggestions for the future and profile local arts agencies addressing cultural equity and cultural diversity. Given accelerating changes in demographics in many cities across America, it is no wonder that local arts agency administrators have been increasingly challenged to more accurately reflect the composition of their communities in their programming.


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