Author(s): Nspiregreen
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2017

In early winter 2016, the City of Alexandria engaged Nspiregreen, a local consulting firm, to assist with development of a Streetscape Toolbox (toolbox).This toolbox is primarily intended for use by private property owners to guide the development of a more pedestrian-friendly, active streetscape that speaks to the artistic and creative character of the City of Alexandria and specifically, the Old Town North neighborhood. The City of Alexandria, community members and other stakeholders may also utilize this toolbox to coordinate temporary uses and activities in the right of way such as

Author(s): King, Morgana and Canzonetti, Anne, Editor
Date of Publication: Sep 01, 2017

Natural disasters are a part of life and unavoidable in many parts of the country. It is necessary to be prepared for when nature strikes a public art collection. This paper is a case study on the reaction to and lessons learned during the recovery of New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina struck the city in 2005.

Author(s): City of Mill Valley
Date of Publication: Jun 06, 2016

"This document envisions the placement of more works of art in the public realm of the City to contribute to the City’s growing cultural heritage. It does not presuppose or prejudge the character and nature of the art, but establishes public standards, and a public process for decisions about adding works of art in public places. It enables the City to enhance the community’s vitality through the installation of public art." [p.2]

Author(s): Kendellen, Peggy
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2017

The agenda for the 2017 Northwestern Public Art Conference (NoWPac), as an example for other groups who are interested in creating their own regionally-focused professional public art group.

Author(s): Hodgson, Kimberly; Beavers, Kelly Ann
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

In this series of briefing papers, the American Planning Association — as part of a collaborative project with the RMC Research Corporation and with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation — illustrates how planners can work with partners in the arts and culture sector and use creative strategies to achieve economic, social, environmental, and community goals.

Author(s): Katherine Gressel
Date of Publication: Jan 07, 2012

This article provides an overview of challenges in evaluating public art.

Author(s): Smith McNally, Rika and Hsu, Lillian
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2012

The materials of the public artist long ago moved beyond bronze, marble, and stained glass. Contemporary artists do not hesitate to dip into the pockets of the material, cultural, or technological worlds to retrieve something that sparks their imagination or serves a desired effect. Public art collections reflect the growth of electronic art and socially integrated design that continues to expand the artist's palette and the artist's role in the public sphere. We encourage our public artists to experiment, even as it complicates the challenge of ensuring that public art endures. In

Author(s): City of Seattle
Date of Publication: Aug 01, 2012

The vision of the Seattle Race and Social Justice Initiative is to eliminate racial inequity in the community. To do this requires ending individual racism, institutional racism and structural racism. The Racial Equity Toolkit lays out a process and a set of questions to guide the development, implementation and evaluation of policies, initiatives, programs, and budget issues to address the impacts on racial equity. 

Author(s): Senie, Harriet F.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2003

The idea of responsible criticism is, of course, predicated on  the existence of public art criticism, period, a body of writing that has yet to reach critical mass. There are various factors responsible for the present near vacuum. Public art operates outside the gallery system; it cannot be exhibited in  museums except by proxy (drawings, models, photographs). And, most significantly, its economic function doesn’t generate revenue within the art business. If it is commissioned directly from the artist, there may be no fee for the gallery. There are few ads and therefore

Author(s): Walsh, Patricia
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

This template is designed as a reference for developing an agenda for your first meeting of a public art planning process with you and your project team/stakeholders.

Author(s): Association for Public Art
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Author(s): Association for Public Art
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Author(s): Association for Public Art
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Author(s): Association for Public Art
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.

Author(s): Association for Public Art
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

An introductory lesson plan for 4/5th graders to understand a piece of public art in Philadelphia with the goal to learn how art can provide inspiration.


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