Author(s): City of Saint Paul Public Art
Date of Publication: June 2014

The Technical Manual is a critical resource that integrates the Public Art Ordinance Program into city-wide procedures and promotes contemporary best practices from the field of public art. The Manual is a companion to the Public Art Ordinance Program Guidelines. They are supplemented by the Public Art Ideas List (PAIL) that illustrates examples. The purpose of these documents is to sustain an innovative public art and design program that is distinguished by its high quality, as called for in the public ordinance (Chapter 12, Public Art. Sec. 12.01.).

Author(s): University of Michigan School of Social Work Curtis Center Program Evaluation Group (CC-PEG)
Date of Publication: February 2014

Author(s): Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
Date of Publication: 2017

The Chicago Public Art Plan has been authored by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE). DCASE is dedicated to enriching Chicago’s artistic vitality and cultural vibrancy. This includes fostering the development of  Chicago’s nonprofit arts sector, independent working artists, and for-profit arts businesses; providing a framework to guide the city’s future cultural and economic growth, via the Chicago Cultural Plan 2012; marketing the city’s cultural assets to a worldwide audience; and presenting high-quality, free, and affordable

Author(s): Jacob Kraemer Tebes, Phd; Samantha L. Matlin, Phd; Bronwyn Hunter, Phd; Azure B. Thompson, Dph; Dana M. Prince, Phd; Nathaniel Mohatt, Phd
Date of Publication: June 1, 2015

This study report from Yale University's School of Medicine examined Mural Arts' Porch Light Program with a rigorous scientific method and shares the results of that research.

Author(s): Lee, Dahyun
Date of Publication: January 1, 2013

Through the case study of the Guernica Peace Mural Project (GPMP) in Columbus, Ohio, which involved American and Somali groups, I explore how participatory community arts generate social capital to promote intergroup social cohesion.

Author(s): Nicole Kistler
Date of Publication: November 25, 2013

Ths report reviews work in Seattle establishing the role that the arts play related to urban agricul-ture in order to foster a culture of urban agri-culture, and make lively places and healthy communities.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: 2018

Copy of the 2018 LAA Profile survey instrument intended as reference material.

Author(s): Evenhouse, Erin
Date of Publication: October 1, 2015

This report is for peope planning, designing and building transportation projects and provides an primer to creative placemaking, an emerging approach that every community should consider.

Author(s): General Services Administration
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The Fine Arts Policies and Procedures is intended to be a guide and a resource for all General Services Administration (GSA) staff--at the national, regional, and field levels--who are involved in the care of the Fine Arts Collection. This document is a compilation of best practices for the care of artworks, directives from the Office of the Inspector General’s 1994 audit of the Public Buildings Service (PBS), and applicable Federal laws.

Author(s): Bressi, Todd and Cohen, Michelle
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 2016

This Public Art Roadmap is intended to chart a course for what the Public Arts Trust should do next. The Roadmap process took place from October 2014 through June 2015.

Author(s): Modica, Lee
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2009

The term deaccession applies to the disposition or exchange of public artworks no longer appropriate for display and to the process by which a decision is made to transfer title of the artwork from one institution to another institution or individual or otherwise move or dispose of the artwork. The State of Florida through its Agencies reserves the right to deaccession works of art in its public art collection in the best interest of the public and as a means of improving the overall quality of the State’s public art collection. All meetings in which artworks are recommended for

Author(s): Doss, Erika
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2006

Local conflicts over public art have occurred throughout the United States. This Monograph looks at several of those controversies.

Author(s): Korza, Pam and Schaffer Bacon, Barbara
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2005

Cultural Perspectives in Civic Dialogue shares the efforts of cultural organizers who are skilled in working deeply within and across cultures to understand important cultural considerations in arts-based civic dialogue work. Their endeavors illuminate how cultural norms mediate public space and participation, as well as how the choices regarding art forms and dialogue approaches can support or discourage civic participation of various cultural groups. In the King Kamehameha I Statue Conservation Project, rural Hawai’ian residents deliberated how best to conserve a

Author(s): Stone, Ben and Nezam, Mallory Rukhsana
Date of Publication: Sep 01, 2017

This field scan is a summary of the ways in which artists are currently contributing to place-based transportation projects. Although it includes a discussion of art in transit and public art programs (both defined later in this document), the field scan focuses primarily on artistic projects directly addressing a transportation challenge and produced in partnership with others working on that challenge. The field of public art is also shifting in this direction, due to changes in artistic practice and in funding, so that now many public art programs address various stages of transportation

Author(s): Cleveland, William
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2016

In this case study, Bill Cleveland offers an engaging in-depth excavation of the genesis, planning, and implementation of Creative CityMaking, a collaboration between the City of Minneapolis and Intermedia Arts aimed at integrating creative thinking, strategies, and processes into the operations of city departments. Detailed stories of the five collaborative projects at the heart of Creative CityMaking along with outcomes and learning from the first phase provide an illuminating and instructive look at how collaboration between artists and municipal government can achieve

Author(s): Nelson, Erika
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2017

This essay was written as a means to provide an outlook of the current understandings of what make planning and implement public art in rural areas unique.


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