State of Maryland

Maryland State Arts Organizations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations
Change in Dollars from 2019 to 2020
Percent Change from 2019 to 2020
Author(s): Yamashiro, Nikki and Rinehart, Jen
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2014

​A report on a survey of close to 14,000 parents and guardians nationwide finds a jump in reported participation in afterschool in the U.S. over the last decade. Some 18 percent of children in the surveyed households took part in an afterschool program in 2014 — equivalent nationally to about 10.2 million children. That compares with 15 percent in 2009 and 11 percent in 2004. At the same time, unmet demand for afterschool programming is large; extrapolating from the survey findings, the report says that 19.4 million more children would be enrolled in afterschool if a program were

Author(s): Claus von Zastrow and Helen Janc
Date of Publication: Feb 29, 2004

There is growing concern that the federal No Child Left Behind Acts accountability provisions in mathematics, reading, and science are diverting significant time and resources from other academic subjects. To address this concern, the Council for Basic Education executed a study to collect data about American K-12 students access to a curriculum in the liberal arts.

Author(s): Illinois Arts Alliance
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This report, prepared by the Illinois Arts Alliance, investigates the design, implementation, and funding of arts education policy in ten states.

Author(s): Management Performance Concepts (currently known as Managance Consulting)
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2002

This report examines transition management practices by nonprofits and transition support services offered to these organizations.

Author(s): NGA (National Governors Association) Center for Best Practices
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Many states have created arts-based economic development strategies to support rural communities across the who are confronting economic development issues.

Author(s): Harrell, Rodney,
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

A report on Marylands Heritage Areas Program which was prepared for Maryland's Department of Legislative Services 2004 legislative session.

Author(s): National Endowment for the Arts, Challenge Grant Program
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

Soon after my arrival at the National Endowment for the Arts, I found a letter on my desk from Baltimore's mayor William Donald Schaefer expressing his eagerness to join the Endowment in demonstrating how a partnership of public and private interests can both support the arts and help rebuild a city. The Endowment could ask for no better example of the benefits of arts advocacy. This booklet shows how it was done.

Author(s): Dreeszen, Craig
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2003

Small and rural communities across the country continue to face drastic population shifts and economic upheaval. Many efforts are underway in these areas to create and implement economic revitalization strategies. In analyzing resources, strengths, and needs, communities are increasingly seeing the potential of their existing creative economies ンsectors of the economy that include arts, culture and heritage organizations, businesses, and workers ンas strong revenue, employment, and quality of life generators, or "creative industries."


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