Audience & Community Engagement

Chad Bauman

Fearing Fear Itself

Posted by Chad Bauman, Aug 19, 2014

Chad Bauman

As non-profit organizations, we have a responsibility to represent our communities, and in some cases, our communities have changed or are rapidly changing and our arts organizations just haven’t adapted.

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Mr. Matt Graber

The ticket sales blame game, and Fight Club

Posted by Mr. Matt Graber, Apr 18, 2016

Mr. Matt Graber

There are two groups standing on opposites sides of the parking lot. Bruised and battered, knuckles taped up, and ready to go at it again. If it’s your first time, you almost always have to fight. This is the fight club that sometimes happens between the artistic and Marketing departments after a production fails to sell well.

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Ms. Nella Vera

Arts Marketing Lessons From My Church

Posted by Ms. Nella Vera, Apr 18, 2016

Ms. Nella Vera

What can a church show us about marketing . . . How about a slew of audience development activities that could serve as a model for arts organizations?

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Mr. Clayton W. Lord

The Humble Step

Posted by Mr. Clayton W. Lord, Jun 20, 2016

Mr. Clayton W. Lord

The pursuit of cultural equity is a journey of mountains and valleys, someone once told me. It is a series of hard climbs, brief moments of celebration, if you’re lucky, and then the progression begins again. It is the type of work we do against our comfort, because it is necessary.

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Mr. Adam Thurman

Getting Along Fine Without You

Posted by Mr. Adam Thurman, Nov 14, 2012

Mr. Adam Thurman

In most of the arts world, but particularly in my world of the nonprofit arts, there is an understandable desire to bring in a new, more diverse, audience.

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Chad Bauman

Who Are Your Best Customers (and Why Many Don't Know)?

Posted by Chad Bauman, May 03, 2012

Chad Bauman

How do we defined our best customers and how does that definition change depending upon which department was asked.

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Amelia Northrup-Simpson

The Social Media—Database Connection

Posted by Amelia Northrup-Simpson, Oct 04, 2011

Amelia Northrup-Simpson

The cardinal rule of communications is “know your audience”.  But on social media, it’s sometimes easier said than done.

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Mr. Joel Snyder

Seeing the Arts With Your Ears: the Fundamentals of Audio Description

Posted by Mr. Joel Snyder, Aug 12, 2011

Mr. Joel Snyder

It is no surprise that we have an immense and varied culture in the United States. Yet when it comes to the arts, there is no reason why a person with a visual disability must also be culturally disadvantaged.

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Brian Reich

Shift and Reset

Posted by Brian Reich, Jul 01, 2011

Brian Reich

I say it all the time, but it bears repeating: Our society has changed – dramatically – over the past few decades.

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Mr. Salvador Acevedo

Diversifying Your Audiences: the Financial Argument

Posted by Mr. Salvador Acevedo, May 19, 2011

Mr. Salvador Acevedo

It is not only the fact that audience participation is decreasing among typical audiences, it is also that there are less people who fit that profile in our societies.

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Sam Horn

Does Your Message POP?

Posted by Sam Horn, May 05, 2011

Sam Horn

Whether that's getting funded, getting hired or getting a yes; you'll be able to win buy-in and motivate decision-makers to care about what you care about if you use this innovative approach to POP! your message in the first 60 seconds.

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Lisa Niedermeyer

Communicating the Message : Using Online Video as a Tool

Posted by Lisa Niedermeyer, Nov 30, 2010

Lisa Niedermeyer

How are we engaging our audiences, how we are communicating our messages, how we are raising money, and how we are using technology to do it. With YouTube currently ranking as the #2 search engine in the world, this means many of us are using online video as a tool.

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Ms. Susan Medak

Seeking Diversity: In Our Audience and Our Workforce

Posted by Ms. Susan Medak, Sep 13, 2010

Ms. Susan Medak

For decades, Berkeley Rep has been discussing diversity in American theater.

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