Kevin Spacey delivers the 2011 Nancy Hanks Lecture

On April 4th, Kevin Spacey delivered the 24th Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy, a leading national forum for arts policy, intended to stimulate discussion of policy and social issues affecting the arts.

Mr. Spacey focused on the transformative power of the arts, as well as the importance of prioritizing it in our communities.

"Art and creativity are one of the most significant ways that humanity uses to fight back against and lift itself out of the muck, and the dirt, and the grime, and the horror, and the unfairness of political persecution, racist attack, hatred, intolerance, and downright cruelty."

"The real question is not whether we as a nation can afford to continue to support the arts, but whether we can afford not to. Look at all we’ve accomplished and overcome in this country and we’re still here, standing, fighting, protesting, arguing, debating, hoping, and dreaming. Even in the often-messy political process of our democratic society, I am filled with confidence that if we all just keep a little twist of Lemmon in our hearts, we’re going to overcome it, we’re going to succeed, and continue to nurture our cultural heritage and its future."

2011 Transcript

Opening Remarks
Robert L. Lynch
President and CEO, Americans for the Arts

Charles Segars
CEO, Ovation
2011 Co-Chair of National Arts Advocacy Day

Kevin Spacey
Critically acclaimed actor and Academy Award®-winner

Chantilly High School Show Choir, Touch of Class
Chantilly, VA - under the direction of Glenn Cockrell

View video of the full 2011 Nancy Hanks Lecture

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