Historic Buildings, Embodied Energy and Placemaking
6 Characteristics to Successful Arts and Rural Economic Development Efforts
Planning for the Arts in Rural Wyoming Communities
The Currency of Connection: the Arts and the Cooperative Extension Service as an alternative model
What is Art Education For? An Assessment Checklist
If You Live in a Place, You Will Find Art There
Rethinking Cultural Districts for Small Towns in Small States
Welcome to our Rural Arts Blog Salon!
Welcome to our first ever rural arts blog salon. We have gathered together some of the best thinkers, practitioners, and artists to blog about art, placemaking, and economic development in rural communities. This blog salon will be in conjunction with our new rural webinars on these topics which will occur Feb. 26,27, and 28! This blog salon will explore ways that small and rural communities are using the arts to help economic stability and growth in their communities. It will give you the opportunity to hear from these communities about some of the successful economic development strategies they have used like artists relocation, cultural districts, historic tax credits, etc.
Be a Belieber in marketing your arts organization to teenagers
Among audience segments, teenagers are traditionally known to have the lowest profile in museum attendance. Still, there has been a surge in museum programming for teensr.
Easier Being Green: Arts Organizations Taking Steps to More Ecofriendly Practices
All over the country, arts organizations are implementing more rigorous energy practices and decreasing their carbon footprint.
Statement on the Nomination of Dr. Jane Chu for Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts
I am pleased that President Obama has put forward a strong nominee for Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts. Dr. Jane Chu brings the valuable perspectives of multi arts understanding, top management skills, and deep philanthropic knowledge to the position. She is trained as an artist but has also worked successfully as manager of complex business enterprises. This is a valuable mix, important to our nation's key public sector arts position. She has spoken publicly about the importance of bringing the broadest array of America's arts riches to the broadest spectrum of the American people and has done so in her work in Kansas City. She understands the value of art at the community level and how the arts are transformative to individuals as well as places. Americans for the Arts is pleased to see the critical leadership position at the NEA being filled. We applaud The President's choice of Dr Jane Chu. Read more about Dr. Jane Chu from the White House press release in our newsroom.
