Those Who Do, Teach
How To Sustain A Professional Practice As A Teaching Artist?
At the End of the Day, a Teaching Artist is an Artist First
Welcome to our Blog Salon on Teaching Artists!
Marketing and the Independent Artist
Today's independent artists, recognize marketing is something they need to concern themselves with, but they often don't understand how to go about incorporating it into already demanding schedules.
The Good News about Arts Education in Los Angeles County
Recently the 2013 Otis Report on the Creative Economy for California and the Los Angeles Region was released. As in previous years, the presentation of the data generated anticipation and buzz in the arts community.  There is a lot of good news for the creative sector, including the fact that one out of every seven jobs is in the creative economy. The report emphasizes the critical role arts education plays in preparing students for these jobs, and we at the Los Angeles County Arts Commission are particularly interested in how we can make these opportunities a reality for all the 1.6 million students in our public schools.
Art in Giving partners Art and Business to benefit Pediatric Cancer Research (from the pARTnership
A New Era for Arts in New York City Schools?
A Delicate Balance: The Intersection of In-School and Out-of-School Time
Thanks to all the writers and readers that participated in our Rural Arts Blog Salon!
Wow!  What a great week of blogs in our first Blog Salon on Rural Arts. Thanks to our bloggers and all our commentators, followers on Twitter, and Facebook fans. As I read each of these blogs, I was inspired and encouraged about ways the arts are helping the economy, improving place, and creating change for rural America. I am from Wyoming and was an arts administrator on the frontier there for several years, so I especially loved Michael Lange’s blogs about how the arts are playing a leading role in revitalization efforts. This is especially challenging since Wyoming enjoys “the smallest population of any state, with 575,000 people and of the 99 incorporated municipalities, only about half have populations are over 1,000 people, and only a handful of those have a population over 10,000”.
The Power of Partnerships in Placemaking
