Retaining and Building Your Community by Working the Margins
People Make Places
Warning: Community Engagement on Social Media Nears Extinction for Brands
Show Me: Adapting to the Visual Realm
Facebook can be effective – if you are willing to pay
Participation is Power
More Than Pro Bono: Meaningful Cross-Sector Partnerships Build Community
What Your Audience is Actually Looking For
Arts Marketing Campaigns and the Segments Who Love Them
Breaking Barriers and Embracing Change: A History of the Apollo Theater
Working with Public Transit to “Transport Opera Audiences”
Vancouver Opera recently received a grant from OPERA America’s Building Opera Audiences initiative, funded by the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, to help us address three major audience-development challenges: The lack of opportunities for potential audiences to sample opera, in programming that will give people an affordable, accessible “first step” between no involvement with us and the purchase of a ticket to a mainstage performance. The best seat to an opera is the highest priced ticket in town, with the exception of decent seats at a Canucks game, so you can see our problem. A normal first step is in fact a leap, of both faith and investment. The vast untapped audiences in outlying municipalities, which are home to culturally diverse populations with little familiarity with the art form and little inclination to explore it. Metro Vancouver’s demographics are continuing to shift rapidly. Very soon, those whom we have traditionally called “visible minorities” – mainly people hailing from Asia and South Asia – will be the majority. The practical obstacle to attendance in the form of distance from those outlying areas to downtown Vancouver and our opera house.
