Act, Don’t Just React: A Holistic Approach to Communications
Today’s media landscape of shrinking newsrooms, thinner newspapers and less in-depth arts coverage poses challenges for cultural organizations. It also offers new opportunities — as long as you’re ready to act by anticipating the needs of the press and public. Today’s journalists are doing more with less, often providing photography, video and/or audio to go along with their written stories. Many of the reporters I talk with are under tighter deadlines to publish content to the web and under pressure to attract more clicks on their articles. As both the media and arts organizations navigate the demands of the 24-hour news cycle with fewer resources, a proactive and collaborative approach to communications can benefit everyone.
Let’s Explore: Engagement
The User Experience of Your Space
What Audiences Expect from Arts Marketers: Four Technology Must-dos
Powered by Community: Welcome to our Arts Marketing Blog Salon!
Portland, Oregon is the home to this year’s National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference: Powered by Community. You can look forward to conversations about audience diversification, strategies for engaging college students, using augmented reality, the top telemarketing tips, and so much more. This year’s keynote speakers are creative change agents, community builders, and marketing gurus – Kevin Carroll, Matt Stinchcomb, and Pamela Moore. From Matt’s lessons on community building from the D.I.Y marketplace Etsy to Pam’s arsenal of tactics to keep your online communities striving, this year’s keynotes will leave you inspired and recharged to collaborate with your communities on a more meaningful level.
Corporate Funding Came Back After the Recession, But Did it Leave the Arts Behind? (from The
Arts and Health in the Military: An Introduction
Who’s The Best? Bias Answers the Question
Comfort or Progress
I’ve learned the hard way that before we talk about the “How” of building diverse audiences, it’s vital to talk about “Why” you should do the hard work involved in the process.
Déjà vu: The Federal Government Standstill’s Implications on the Arts
Learning to Reside in Quadrant II
