Getting to Market: Part 1 Artists
Creative placemaking intentionally levers the power of arts, culture and creativity to serve a community’s interest while driving a broader agenda for growth and transformation.
Learn from Nashville: How to Prepare for the Worst
Small Business Rocks (from The pARTnership Movement)
Warren Buffet had it right when he committed to giving away more than half his money to charity. “If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.” And, indeed, 86% of the $316 billion giving reported in 2012, is by individuals, says Giving USA, an arm of Indiana University. Buffett’s motivation seems to be about social justice, but it is also about social good. He appears to be a guy who believes in creating opportunity for others and in doing so, fuels ideas, innovations, and projects that ultimately have an economic impact on society. In a new book, entitled “Why Philanthropy Matters,” Zoltan J. Acs advocates that the benefit of philanthropy is that it nurtures innovation and entrepreneurship which is essential for prosperity. I thought about this connection between entrepreneurship and philanthropy as I pondered a new national study put out by Americans for the Arts in which some 600 corporations of all sizes were surveyed. Bearing in mind that corporate funds are only 6% of the total giving pie, on the bright side, the survey reports that corporate giving to the arts from 2009 through 2012 is up by 18% - reversing some, but certainly not all, of the losses during the height of the recession. That is heartening.
Then and Now: Arts Practice and the Civic Rights Movement
How do you say “Arts Education” in Spanish?
Responses to Peter Singer's "Good Charity, Bad Charity" in The New York Times
The Private Sector's Secret Weapon (from The pARTnership Movement)
The Conference Board recently released their
Six Reasons That the Arts Are the Ideal Vehicle to Teach 21st Century Success Skills
There are many things I don’t know about life and how the world works, but there are two things I know for certain.
My Turn: For a Humane Tax Reform
Bigger than Baseball: The Power of Economic Impact Data
Theatre Arts Education Programs Create Innovative Thinkers and Workers (from The pARTnership
