What You're Worth
What Americans Think About Creativity and Risk (from The pARTnership Movement)
Ecosystems at Risk
Power of Storytelling for Social Change (from The pARTnership Movement)
Local Arts Branding on National Stage: Are You Effectively Playing Your Role?
As arts marketers, the importance of creating a compelling, carefully maintained brand is something we work towards on a daily basis.
Arts and Community Development: Connections Matter to Funders (from The pARTnership Movement)
Scope and Sequence: Who’s Got the Monopoly?
Labor, Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness for Arts Alumni
Happy 100th Birthday to the U.S. Department of Labor! Our rotund and reluctant mid-wife, President Taft, on his last day in office, signed legislation creating and delivering the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), giving workers a direct seat in the President’s Cabinet for the first time. DOL’s mission: “To foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.” DOL has created one hundred buckets in which all jobs/industries are categorized. The data presented are obtained from employer or establishment surveys. Performing Arts shares its bucket with Spectator Sports and Related Industries. And Related Industries includes: Promoters of Performing Arts, Agents and Managers of Artists/Entertainers, Independent Artists, Writers and Performers. Another subset includes Musicians, Singers, Producers, Directors, Public Relations, Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers. You can similarly search job/industry categories for Architecture & Engineering, Arts & Design, and Media and Communication. One can drill down into occupations to learn job descriptions, functions, work environment, education/training/experience, compensation, number of jobs in nation, and outlook (future growth projections) of said job.
Branding Your Neighborhood, Town, or City
The Congressional Meat Grinder Cranks to Life
Candidates Weighing in on Arts Education
