Remembering Artist Jeanne-Claude
Watch Tomorrow's NEA Cultural Workforce Forum Live Webcast
The NEA is inviting the public to watch a
Universal Design for Cultural Institutions (from Arts Watch)
Earlier this week, I was able to attend the fall Cool Culture fair.
Play Your Part in Advocating for the Arts
This past Sunday, actors, actresses, musicians, and other celebrity artists turned out to show their support for arts education
ArtCast: An interview with Edward Clapp of the 20UNDER40 Project (part 1)
Take a listen to Part 1 of this podcast interview with Edward Clapp, Editor and Project Director for
Pope to Convene with Artists
Have you been invited to Rome to attend the Pope’s upcoming arts event?  The
Whose Responsibility is it to Provide Access to Art and Culture? (from Arts Watch)
Last week, I read in Arts Watch that the arts in my hometown of Fairfax County, VA, are threatened due to significant budget cu
Filmmaker and Actors Inspired by Arts Educators
Chasing Whales
I admit it, casinos fascinate me. Part of what fascinates me about them is how they are designed.
First Lady Honors Coming Up Taller Award Recipients
On Wednesday, First Lady Michelle Obama continued her show of support for arts and culture by honoring recipients of the
Baseball bARTering
Before every major sporting event, the mayors or governors of the cities/states taking part often wager local goods and/or serv
