Never Mind “What Do We Do Next?” What Do We Do FIRST? And Who’s Going to Fund It?
As this week-long web salon comes to a very successful close, I’m sure a lot of people are amped up about the potential we have
20UNDER40: Has Your Voice Become Uncorked?
I have spent the better part of this morning and afternoon reading through the comments on this blog salon, and am thrilled at
Redefining the Brand of Emerging Leaders
Over the last decade the term “emerging leaders” has become the code phrase to use when convening a meeting, reception or forum
The Kitchen Cabinet
In response to Victoria Saunders’ “A Lonely
Podcast Interview with Ruby Classen: The Challenges of Leading from the Ground Up
Do you hold the title of Associate, Coordinator, or Assistant in your organization?
ArtCast: National Arts Policy Roundtable
When are We Safe? How are We Silenced?
A message in my inbox closes with this line: “…I envy your position as an academic so that you can truly provoke these conversa
Insecurity and the Arts: Get Over It (Together)
Rather than getting sucked into the vortex of divisive generalizations or defensive justifications, I thought perhaps what I co
From Academia to an Independent Nonprofit Arts Organization
I worked on two of the nation’s largest college campuses for a grand total of thirteen years.
Generational Transitions – Making Room for Everyone at the Table
So when are all of those baby boomers working in the nonprofit arts sector going to retire?
White Horses, Black Hats and Emerging Leaders
When I was a little girl I would watch cowboys on TV on Saturday mornings.
