How Soon Can You Have a Mid-Career Crisis?
Am I already going through mid (career) life crisis at the age of 31?
Box-Free Generation
Asian American.  Female.  18-35.  Los Angeles.  Arts Administrator.
Generation Y and the Problem of “Entitlement”: A Bullet-Point Manifesto
(Note: I was inspired to experiment with this form by a
A Message to All Leaders in the Arts
Veteran Leaders  - You were once just as we are now: in the early stages of your career, eager to make a difference, and to bui
An Emerging Leader Career Trajectory
I wanted to quit my job and leave the arts four years ago!
We Sustain Each Other in Rougher Times
It’s a pleasure to be a part of such a great group of folks, discussing such a fascinating (and sometimes polarizing) subject.
Emerging Leader – An identification Crisis
When my manager at the time approached me about applying to be an Emerging Leader Council member, my first thought was “W
What, Me Lead?
I was always pegged as a “leader.” They pick them in high school. Or so it seems.
20UNDER40 and the Emerging Leader Movement
Ten years ago, at a 1999 Americans for the Arts conference titled “Remembering the Past/Envisioning the Future”, five young art
Sitting Not Just at the Table, But at Multiple Tables
This is my very first foray into the blogosphere.
The Widespread Frustration about Being Heard in Our Field
I have been working with Edward on this book project for quite some time--as the "old fart" offering support and feedback on cr
