What I Do Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was an Emerging Leader
As I thought about this blog, I began to think about what I wished someone had told me when I was an emerging leader.  Here’s m
A Career Path
As I read through the many posts that have already flooded the blog this week, I feel reassured.  I, like others asked to discu
Scotiabank Nuit Blanche October 3 2009
written by Marc Pally
Stop Blah-Blah-Blahing...
In the last year we’ve had five teen suicides.
Together and Apart: Strategies for Leadership Development
Networking, however each of us defines it, is an essential part of developing a career in any field.
A Role For Everyone: Considering a Constructive Development Approach to Field-Wide Change
Many of the emails I have received from veteran leaders have confused the issue of 20UNDER40 promoting a take over in
Don't Ask Me What I Bring to the Table. Ask Me What I Don't Bring!
Reflecting on what ELs bring to the table, it dawned on me that we bring a great deal of traits that our predecessors don&rsquo
Steven Spielberg Voices Support for Arts Funding
In his recent acceptance speech for the 2009 Liberty Medal in Philadelphia, Steven Spielberg described the Constitution, Bill o
Inside Scoop on 20UNDER40
From my fortunate position of being an inside helper with the 20UNDER40
You'll Know It When You See It
I started thinking about leadership when I got my first, national-in-scope job.
Emerging Leaders as Arts Advocates
Advocacy has become an integral part of my work and I hoped this blog could be another opportunity to suggest it become a regul
