An Open Letter to Arts Administrators
I've gotten your emails and your phone calls, expressing your frustrations and wondering why a life as an arts professional has
The Wing Luke Asian Museum at the 2009 Americans for the Arts Convention
Response to the “Inmate’s Show Won’t Go On” (from Arts Watch)
The following is an email letter sent to an indivdual quoted in a regional NY paper on the arts' being of no value to priso
What wouldn’t you do if you didn’t have to?
A recent article in the New York Times spoke about artists who were able to spend their time on creating art that they enjoyed
Podcast Interview (Part 1) with Emerging Leader Council Chair and Vice-Chair
Mitch Menchaca<
The Arts are Back: White House Convenes and Briefs Arts Activists
Given the abundance of crises and combustible situations we face, one would hardly blame the new administration if it moved slo
Public Art Network and Best Practice Guidlines (from Arts Watch)
As Manager of Public Art at Americans for the Arts, I wanted to familiarize our constituents about the Public Art Network (PAN)
Mission Binding
Sometimes I think a mission statement isn't worth the keystrokes you type them with. But then I'm reminded of what a well thoug
White House Arts Activities Continue For a 2nd Week
The White House has included a number of arts-related events on the recent calendar.  Yesterday First Lady Michelle Obama atten
Proving Social Net-Works
ArtCast: Incorporating the Arts into Special Events
