Podcast Interview (Part 2) with Emerging Leader Council Chair and Vice-Chair
Mitch Menchaca, Senior Director of Programs at the Arizona Commission on the Arts, and Chair of the Emerging Leader Council, an
Texas Hangs onto Arts Education
San Diego isn't the only place that's
Chorus Asserts Itself
Chorus America, the nation's chorus association, has released
American Express Nonprofit Leadership Academy
Here's a great example of how for-profit and non-profit organizations can work together to generate top leaders.  American Expr
The Ethics of Cutting Arts Education
Blogger, evaluation expert, professor, and consultant Dr. Patricia Saraniero writes about the arts education and ethics.
Business Volunteers for the Arts Working in the Nonprofit Sector (from Arts Watch)
We’ve all heard the bad news.
Local Advocacy in San Diego Saves the Arts
A group of dedicated and inventive parents, teachers, and arts professionals saved the arts education work of the Office of Vis
Arts Education: Passion, Plus Carol and Harry!
When I first introduced myself as a blogger I vowed to write about my top ten concerns for education.  This blog outlines my ut
A Teacher's Appeal for Arts Education
A colleague sent me this brilliant letter advocating for arts education.
What Connects Us All
Teaching artist, arts leader, and good guy Eric Booth has penned an article on that bitty thing that connects all humans; that
The Future of Arts Education
One of the session proposals that Americans for the Arts sent to Grantmakers in th
