Knitting & Networking at the Annual Convention
Even without being a knitter I quickly understood the attraction of the quiet, creative, collegial atmosphere that quickly emer
Arts Education: Dream
I was on hiatus briefly to  run a summer institute: DREAM - Developing Reading Education through Arts methods.  DREAM is a rese
Arts Education is a Political Issue
Arts education is as political an issue as an educational one. One could say that education itself is a political issue.
A Video on the Value of Imagination
Here’s an effective video about the value of IMAGINATION, featuring Sir Ken and giants of the industrial field.
Economic Development and an Elementary School Play (from Arts Watch)
Tomorrow my eight-year old daughter will play Gretel in her summer camp production of "Fairy Tale Courtroom." She took an entir
Resource for Artists: What they didn't teach you in art school
Are you an artist? Do you work with artists?
Newcomers’ Orientation at Convention
Take a listen to an adapted version of Lex Leifheit's recent speech from the Newcomers' Orientation at the 2009 Seattle Convent
Shepard-ing a Presidential Campaign
Um... Wow.
Let's hear it for spam, or mailing lists, or for the cybergods who sent an interesting announcement to me this morning.
Imagined Motivation
Whenever I get tired or frustrated . . . or just need a reason to keep going . . .
Have you heard of L3C's?
Often, we’ve had the internal discussions at Americans for the Arts about intrinsic problems of the not-for-profit model.
