Showing Appreciation in the Arts (from Arts Watch)
I sometimes leave my desk and actually see performances occasionally (how exciting!).
State Dept. Program Provides Professional Development to Visiting Artists
For those local to the Washington, DC metro area, tonight, The U.S.
Public Assets, Financial Affairs, Cultural Effects: If You Build It, Will They Come Back and Take
We lost a great man today...
Merce Cunningham, the renown and prolific dancer, has died. He died in his sleep last night. He was 90.
National Teaching Artist Research Project (in case you hadn't yet heard)
Nick Rabkin, former founder and director of the Center for Arts Policy at Columbia College Chicago, researcher, teaching artist
Michelle Obama Pushes for More Arts for Children
First lady Michelle Obama hosted the
Ask the Senate to Support Arts Education and National Service
On Friday, July 24, 2009, the House Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee passed their funding bill, setting the initial appro
Changes Coming to the Blog
In the next few months we'll be working to improve the functionality and design of our blog. We want to make it easier for you to scan page, find information you need, and comment on blog posts. Another aim is to help you quickly find blog posts in specific categories such as arts education, public art, marketing, community building, and other topics.
The Contributions of Small and Midsized Community-Based Arts Organizations (from Arts Watch)
At the recent Americans for the Arts annual convention, An
To Go to Graduate School, or Not?
A question I hear constantly from emerging leaders is “Should I go to Graduate School or Not?”  This has been a topic of conver
White House Welcomes Country Music Artists, Music Students
The White House music series, an effort to support the arts and demonstrate the importance of arts education in America, contin
