Corporate Sponsorship: Does Anything Work Today?
I’m so happy to have been invited to return to the National Arts Marketing Project Conference and host another
Americans for the Arts Responds to Inaccurate Washington Times Editorial
Today, The Washington Times published an editorial titled “Inartful Politics” that contains many inaccuracies and fabrications. It was originally posted on its The Water Cooler blog and was preceded by a number of other blog posts by the writer that were equally unfounded.
It's Back to School--Now Let's Make a Difference
We're all back to school…hooray!  I think.  It’s a little hard to be excited as I begin the new semester at my university in Ca
ArtCast: Sharing Arts Volunteer Stories
Arts Loss in a Small Town – the recession hits my home and heart.(from Arts Watch)
I spent last week in Vermont, which is where I grew up. I was in Middlebury, where my parents and one of my brothers live.
The Aversion to Risk
To have a successful career in the arts you have to understand risk aversion.
MusicianCorps Takes Root Across America
Conditions Worsen for Recent College Graduates
A blog post on
ArtCast: Arts and Philanthropy Leaders Gather at Aspen Institute
In this podcast Bob Lynch, President & CEO of Americans for the Arts, discusses a recent Americans for the Arts convening o
Burning Man Festival Glows in Nevada Desert (from Arts Watch)
Tips for Parents to Fill Arts Ed Gaps
With schools back in session around the country, shortfalls in many state budgets have forced school systems to cut back art an
