El Sistema in L.A.
When Arianna Huffington asked me at an Obama fundraiser to write for her and I drafted my first Huffington Post piece,
Believing in Believing: Back to School Again
Every year I stop in the middle of September to catch my breath and to tell someone in my immediate vicinity, that THIS Septemb
In the Trenches of Arts Education
The arts are not a luxury; they are essential.
How Technology and the Internet are Changing Arts and Culture
Our society has changed - dramatically - over the past few decades.  We talk about it all the time in the context of business (
Learning to Take Risks in Life by Taking Risks on Art
My high school ceramics instructor thought I was crazy when I told him I wanted to be an orthodontist.  “No, I think you should
What happens to students who are left high and dry when the latest school levy tax issue fails?
The case in point is South-Western City Schools in Ohio.  The district is the sixth largest in the state, second largest in Fra
What is Good Assessment?
Assessment is as close to a four-letter word as we have in education.  In the current testing and accountability environment, t
Do Parents Really Understand the Value of the Arts?
Although few parents would challenge the belief that every student should have an education in the arts, the practical reality
Back to School
First, thanks to everyone who is dropping by for the Arts Education Salon blogging event.
How to Make Sure Parents are "Arts Smart"
Glad to be joining this group of arts and education professionals to write about parents and arts education.
Follow Up With Bite Size Goals (part 2 of Effective Leadership of a Cause on Facebook)
