Support Your Local Arts Teachers
Not enough of our schools have certified, in-school arts teachers, but even those that do all too often relegate those arts tea
The Evolution of Teaching Artists (...continued)
When I am asked what quality makes ArtsConnection stand out as an arts-in-education organization that partners with New York Ci
New Widget Available: Show Your Support for Arts Education
What You'll Find in Providence at the National Arts Marketing Project Confernece (from
As a second-time NAMP Conference attendee and proud member of
What is this Thing Called [Arts Education]?
Education is a system.
What is Arts Learning Anyway?
I currently work with the Alliance for Arts Learning Leadership, a project of the Alameda County Office of Education.  Alameda
Redesigning Artists in the Schools Programs in Alaska
With apologies for my late entry into the blog conversation due to snow in the Arctic where I am traveling, I want to share how
State-level and grassroots advocacy and action combine to make a difference
My previous blog post provi
Asking Our Students Questions
I started my art education sitting on the kitchen floor banging on pots and pans.
Desire and Opportunity as a Basis for Arts Education (Part I)
I'll tell you what gets me going....desire.  I distinctly remember the day in second grade when I saw a picture of an alto saxo
We Have the Tools...
As a follow up to my original post this week -
