Juliet Ramirez

Creating the Right Visual Hierarchy for Your Website

Posted by Juliet Ramirez, May 11, 2017

Juliet Ramirez

The ugly truth is: over the past 15 years, our patience has decreased. If you structure your web content into logical patterns, the chance of the average visitor leaving your site will decrease!

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Mr. Drew McManus

Should Links Open in Same or New Windows/Tabs?

Posted by Mr. Drew McManus, May 18, 2017

Mr. Drew McManus

To determine when links should open in the same or new windows/tabs, let's approach the question from a contemporary web environment.

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John Hawthorne

6 Ways Millennials are Changing Charitable Giving

Posted by John Hawthorne, Jun 15, 2017

John Hawthorne

Data shows that millennials are just as generous as previous generations. But when it comes to how they give, their means and methods are significantly different.

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Judith H. Dobrzynski

The Road to Participation: Countering Misperceptions

Posted by Judith H. Dobrzynski, Oct 16, 2018

Judith H. Dobrzynski

Reviewing theoretical and data-driven research, along with practical experiences from arts organizations over the past 10 years, The Wallace Foundation and its partners have developed a much better understanding of the reasons people choose to go, or not to go, to an arts performance or exhibition. The decision is not a simple case of yes or no.

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Cristyn Johnson

Audience Engagement is NOT Community Engagement

Posted by Cristyn Johnson, Mar 29, 2019

Cristyn Johnson

Why is it important that we get these terms right? As we work to communicate the value of the work that we do, it’s important to paint an accurate and authentic picture. It is only once we acknowledge the work we are currently doing that we are able to grow.

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