Ms. Sarah Rucker

Striving for Positive Change through Arts Programming

Posted by Ms. Sarah Rucker, Oct 18, 2018

Ms. Sarah Rucker

An honest, unreserved commitment to community collaboration brings healing and positive growth. If your arts organization feels like their outreach and engagement is not as successful as they had hoped, remember these four key approaches to bring you back to the root of meaningful arts programming. 

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Ms. Jill Jacobs

Expanding Audience Connections

Posted by Ms. Jill Jacobs, Oct 18, 2018

Ms. Jill Jacobs

Arts organizations often find a delicate balance in planning a season that generates necessary revenue and attendance, while still being driven by a meaningful purpose. The ultimate goal is to provide opportunities rooted in a place of purpose, guided by your mission, that have the ability to reach a largest possible range of individuals.

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Ms. Beth Prevor

Engaging the Deaf/disability community: A Marketer’s Exploration

Posted by Ms. Beth Prevor, Oct 18, 2018

Ms. Beth Prevor

My recent foray into professional arts marketing shows me that there’s much we can learn from each other on ways to link historically overlooked and disenfranchised communities with the mainstream theater communities who want to invite them in.

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Paul Miller

How CRM Can Help You Outperform National Arts Industry Revenue Benchmarks

Posted by Paul Miller, Nov 06, 2018

Paul Miller

Content presented by PatronManager.

In economic news, we sometimes hear that the arts aren’t doing so well. So, how can your arts organization defy this trend and become a sustainable entity for years to come? I have three letters for you: CRM.

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Meghan K Randolph

Marketing New Works: Making the Unfamiliar, Familiar

Posted by Meghan K Randolph, Nov 20, 2018

Meghan K Randolph

The words “new play” or, even more so, “new musical” tend to strike excitement in the hearts of artistic directors, terror in the hearts of managing directors, buzzworthy glee in the hearts of funders, and, unfortunately, hesitancy in the hearts of audiences.

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Mr. Sean King

Arts Marketing Trends A-Z: 2019 Edition

Posted by Mr. Sean King, Dec 18, 2018

Mr. Sean King

As we close the book on 2018 and open a new edition for 2019, the world of arts marketing and marketing in general continues its furious pace. What trends we should be keeping an eye on for the coming year?

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Mr. Stephen Belth

Why the Letter Works Better

Posted by Mr. Stephen Belth, Jul 20, 2010

Mr. Stephen Belth

Since the 1970s, the season brochure has been the calling card for performing arts organizations. While this convention continues, rising costs and shrinking direct mail responses has limited its universality.

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Mr. Chris Elam

Sharing a Staged Performance Across the World - Part 1

Posted by Mr. Chris Elam, Jul 20, 2010

Mr. Chris Elam

There are 72 people in downtown New York City watching the premiere of Misnomer Dance Theater’s latest work. The theater is filled to capacity – but wait – there are also many people, miles apart on four continents, watching.

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Mayrav Fisher

One Size Fits All: A Museum Activity Pack Serving Diverse Families

Posted by Mayrav Fisher, Jul 20, 2010

Mayrav Fisher

One of the visitor groups that marketers struggle to accommodate is families. One bad experience can alienate multiple generations of potential museum visitors.

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