Vicki Scuri

I value being a member of Americans for the Arts because it promotes arts-community awareness and creates a platform for discussion and connection. I especially enjoy browsing the listservs to learn what topics are of interest to arts professionals across the U.S. The Listservs are a great resource for all kinds of information. One can engage actively in dialogue or passively follow conversations. Both are engaging and informative. Also, I enjoy attending the AFTA conferences, especially the Public Art Network pre-conferences. These conferences allow one to connect names and faces, to meet new colleagues and to become informed about the arts locally and globally. I enjoyed the recent conference in Pittsburgh, especially the local performing arts and the variety of discussion groups, workshops and social events.  Americans for the Arts is a great umbrella for all the arts and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to be a member of this group. 

Vicki Scuri is the owner of Vicki Scuri SiteWorks a design firm based in Lake Forest Park, Washington that emphasizes collaborative design and public art.