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Oct 03, 2014

October is the month to #ShowYourArt, meet up for Creative Conversations, and celebrate the role the arts and humanities have in shaping and improving our communities - it's National Arts and Humanities Month (NAHM)! 

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Oct 02, 2014

October 1, 2014 marked the first day of National Arts and Humanities Month, and Americans for the Arts celebrated in formal fashion with the 2014 BCA10 Gala honoring this year's top 10 businesses partnering with the arts. Our list of 2014 BCA10 honorees can be found here - stay tuned for photos from the event!

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Oct 01, 2014

WASHINGTON—October 1, 2014—National Arts & Humanities Month kicks off October 1, 2014. The monthlong celebration is the country’s largest collective celebration of arts and culture.

Americans for the Arts, the leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America, encourages all Americans to explore new facets of the arts and humanities in their lives, and to begin a lifelong habit of active participation in the arts.

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Oct 01, 2014

The greatest month of the year is upon us - National Arts & Humanities Month!

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Sep 29, 2014

This August, officials from the White House, famous Hispanic artists, and Americans for the Arts staff were on hand to visit Meadow Homes Elementary School in Concord, California and observe its two year growth in a new arts-centered curriculum.

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Sep 26, 2014

“Private Life” is a series of stories exploring the unique bonds, loyalties, and rifts of military and civilian life, the shared codes of conduct, and what it means to be a survivor. Choreographed and directed by Deborah Slater, the piece was written by Deborah Crooks, and features original music by Bruno Louchouarn.  It was inspired by a dancer who was a soldier throughout his whole career.

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Sep 26, 2014

Another “Freedom Rock” was unveiled in Wapello County, Iowa, painted by muralist Ray "Bubba" Sorenson II in a partnership between the Ottumwa Area Arts Council and local Vietnam Veterans groups. The 11.5 ton boulder has been transformed into a Vietnam Veterans Memorial for the town of Ottumwa and will lead the way for a planned Freedom Trail, linking the town's veteran tributes to one another.

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Sep 23, 2014

Arthur Bloom, founder of MusiCorps, and has been chosen as one of the Top 10 CNN Heroes of 2014. He will be honored at “CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute” airing December 7 on the global networks of CNN.

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Sep 22, 2014

As people travelled over this summer and took selfies and photos with their friends, often times public art ends up part of the backdrop - or the main focus of instagram photos and the like, whether or not people realize it.

Our CEO, Bob Lynch, reminds people public art can be found anywhere and everywhere - and the value of public art to a community - in this month's Huffington Post article. 

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Sep 22, 2014

Today, nearly 50 members of the Charitable Giving Coalition, including Americans for the Arts, sent a letter to U.S. House Budget Chair Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) applauding his recent, public comments about the charitable tax deduction.
