Bob Lynch, Americans for the Arts CEO and President, writes to the Huffington Post about National Arts and Humanities Month

Friday, October 3, 2014

October is the month to #ShowYourArt, meet up for Creative Conversations, and celebrate the role the arts and humanities have in shaping and improving our communities - it's National Arts and Humanities Month (NAHM)! 

Americans for the Arts CEO and President, Bob Lynch, wrote to the Huffington Post this week to highlight the many great NAHM events planned and already taking place across the country to celebrate the arts and humanities in America. We host a National Arts Meet calendar for organizations and individuals across the country to sumbit their events, or find events to attend in their area! 

Since 2004, over 10,000 arts patrons, artists, politicians and community members have attended more than 300 Creative Conversations throughout the U.S. We help promote Creative Conversations and provide resources to get started. Also this year you can share the art events you attend and artwork you create or appreciate using the hashtag #ShowYourArt on instagram!

In the words of Bob Lynch: "I encourage you to share your celebrations of National Arts & Humanities Month. First, to tell us about your plans or find events scheduled in your area. Then, on your social networks, use #NAHM and #ShowYourArt to broadcast these gatherings, proclamations, advocacy events and cultural happenings. Be part of the celebration!"
