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Aug 23, 2012

Americans for the Arts Acton Fund, a membership organization that seeks to engage citizens in education and advocacy in support of the arts, will host two events—ArtsSpeak and ArtsJam—at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.

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Aug 23, 2012

Americans for the Arts invites you to submit a session proposal, for the 2013 Annual Convention, June 14-16, 2013 in Pittsburgh, PA to continue the national conversation on the "new normal" and focus on how the arts can benefit communities undergoing demographic shifts.

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Aug 20, 2012

Amaury Gutiérrez, Mike Huckabee, Richard Riley, Bernie Williams, Dan Warner will be among the featured speakers and performers at ArtsVote2012 events at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. ArtsVote2012 is a national initiative launched by the Americans for the Arts Action Fund geared towards ensuring that the arts impact federal elections.

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Aug 20, 2012

Madeleine Albright, Mary Bono Mack, Linda Carlisle, Dorthea Edgecomb, Jay Everette, Anthony Foxx, Amaury Gutiérrez, Gary R. Herbert, Mike Huckabee, Art Keeble, Mitch Landrieu, Robert L. Lynch, Kerry O’Reilly, Pat Quinn, Richard Riley, Scott Smith, Dan Warner, Bernie Williams Among Participants

The Americans for the Arts Action Fund, the largest grassroots arts advocacy network in America advancing the arts on both the electoral and legislative landscapes to promote more vibrant and livable communities throughout the country announced today it will host two events—ArtsSpeak and ArtsJam—at the national political conventions.

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Aug 16, 2012

During a recent interview with Fortune, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney stated the following regarding federal funding for the arts, humanities, and public television:

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Aug 14, 2012


Fort Worth Arts Facing Funding Cuts

The City Council is expected to vote on the budget on September 18."

WFAA-TV 08/13/2012

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Aug 08, 2012


Voters Approve Millage for Art Museum

The museum promised free admission for residents of any county that approved the millage. That perk begins Wednesday."

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Aug 06, 2012

Americans for the Arts, the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education, and the National Conference of State Legislatures today announced Florida State Senator Gwen Margolis as the recipient of the 2012 Public Leadership in the Arts Award for State Arts Leadership, which honors a public official who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the advancement of the arts at the state level. Senator Margolis will receive her award today at the today at the National Conference of State Legislatures Annual Meeting in Chicago.

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Aug 01, 2012

Americans for the Arts President and CEO Robert L. Lynch was recently honored with two awards.

On August 1, Lynch was named to The NonProfit Times'€™ 2012 Power and Influence Top 50, an annual list highlighting the nonprofit sector'€™s top executives and thinkers.
