Leadership Circle

Donors who make unrestricted gifts of $25,000 or more are recognized for their extraordinary generosity in support of Americans for the Arts' annual operating needs and priorities through the Leadership Circle. These donors forge a unique personal relationship with Americans for the Arts, tailored to their individual interests and goals.

Designated Gifts

Donors who wish to support one of our many programs may do so with a contribution of $25,000 or more. These gifts may be recognized in the donor’s own name or in memory or honor of someone else.

Endowed Funds at Americans for the Arts

If you want to provide continued support to Americans for the Arts and create a legacy of your commitment, consider establishing your own fund at the Americans for the Arts Foundation. Our Development Office will work with you to establish a fund that achieves your philanthropic goals and supports the mission of Americans for the Arts.

Other Ways to Give

For more information on Planned Giving, making a gift of stock, and other giving vehicles, please click here.