Title: Bird Technology

Artist: Rupert Garcia

YIR Award Date: 2000

State: California

Site Type:

Artwork Type:

Materials : Ceramic tile

Title: Love Letters

Artist: Enrique Chagoya

YIR Award Date: 2000

State: California

Site Type:

Artwork Type:

Materials : Glass

Title: Fly, Flight Fugit

Artist: Squeak Carnwath

YIR Award Date: 2000

State: California

Site Type:

Artwork Type:

Materials :

Title: La vida en los dichosl/Life in proverbs

Artist: Pilar Aguero

YIR Award Date: 2000

State: California

Site Type:

Artwork Type: Mural

Materials :


Title: Series of Seven: The Artist, Butchers, Woodworker, The Farmer, Weavers, Stonecutters, The Ploughman

Artist: James Thompson

YIR Award Date: 2000

State: Oregon

Site Type:

Artwork Type:

Materials : Painting

Title: Freight and Barrel

Artist: Steven Siegel

YIR Award Date: 2005

State: Pennsylvania

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Sculpture

Materials : Found/Recycled Objects

Title: O’s

Artist: Ron Baron

YIR Award Date: 2005

State: Oregon

Site Type: Wall

Artwork Type: Sculpture

Materials : Metal, Wood

Title: Dreher Park, Elders’ Cove

Artist: Jackie Brookner

YIR Award Date: 2005

State: Florida

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type:

Materials :


Title: For the Gentle Wind Does Move Silently, Invisibly

Artist: Brian Tolle

YIR Award Date: 2005

State: Ohio

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Sculpture

Materials : Painting

Title: She Changes

Artist: Janet Echelman

YIR Award Date: 2005


Site Type: Plaza

Artwork Type: Sculpture

Materials : Light, Metal, Painting

Title: Reconstructed Memory and In the Shadows

Artist: Don Mohr

YIR Award Date: 2005

State: Alaska

Site Type: School

Artwork Type:

Materials : Concrete/Masonry, Metal

Title: The Dove Tower and Steps to the Bottom of a Pyramid

Artist: Ilan Averbach

YIR Award Date: 2005

State: Connecticut

Site Type: School

Artwork Type: Sculpture

Materials : Metal, Stone

