Mr. Bill Updegraff

Native Joins the Programmatic Revolution

Posted by Mr. Bill Updegraff, Oct 23, 2015

Mr. Bill Updegraff

The banner is dying. It has served us well, but after two decades in the spotlight, its time is coming. Don’t get me wrong, banner ads continue to be extremely effective, but something has arrived that aims to blow banner out of the water. Welcome, Native.

Native advertising has been around since the early days of print media. They are ads that read like content, an advertorial. 

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Megan Wendell

Act, Don’t Just React: A Holistic Approach to Communications

Posted by Megan Wendell, Oct 08, 2013

Megan Wendell

Today’s media landscape of shrinking newsrooms, thinner newspapers and less in-depth arts coverage poses challenges for cultural organizations. It also offers new opportunities — as long as you’re ready to act by anticipating the needs of the press and public.

Today’s journalists are doing more with less, often providing photography, video and/or audio to go along with their written stories. Many of the reporters I talk with are under tighter deadlines to publish content to the web and under pressure to attract more clicks on their articles. As both the media and arts organizations navigate the demands of the 24-hour news cycle with fewer resources, a proactive and collaborative approach to communications can benefit everyone.

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Mr. Joshua Jenkins

10 Ways to Improve The Website You Already Have

Posted by Mr. Joshua Jenkins, Jun 03, 2014

Mr. Joshua Jenkins

Joshua Jenkins Joshua Jenkins

Who doesn't love a good list?

I’m Joshua Jenkins, Americans for the Arts’ Website Coordinator, here to drop some hints and tips on website improvement. I started at Americans for the Arts in the summer of 2013, and played a large role in the final push toward the website launch in December.

In a perfect world, you’d snap your fingers and a shiny, new website would appear live on the internet. However, as you've read already and will continue to read during this blog salon, there are a lot of important resources you need on-hand when redesigning your website.

Sometimes, a complete website redesign may not be in your organization’s budget, or you may have recently redesigned your website and can’t commit to a full design update just yet. Good news: these circumstances don’t have to stifle your ability to improve your users’ experiences while visiting your organization’s website.

Take a look at these simple, effective best practices that you can implement to offer your users the best experience – whether you’re fixing the site you have, or just starting the redesign process.

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Erik Gensler

If You Say "Facebook is Not a Direct Sales Tool" You're Not Using It Correctly

Posted by Erik Gensler, Oct 08, 2014

Erik Gensler

Erik Gensler Erik Gensler

If you still say "Facebook is not a direct sales tool" you're not using it correctly. And you don't understand how the marketing world has dramatically changed.

At a recent arts conference there were evidently some sessions where presenters said "Facebook doesn't sell tickets" or "we just use Facebook for branding and awareness."

We are in a new world where social storytelling and smart digital targeting are cornerstones of marketing. And those organizations that don't know how to do it are going to keep falling further and further behind. Spreading this misinformation is just going to keep our sector amongst the dinosaurs who think we can keep interrupting our way to ticket sales by buying traditional media.

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Sara Olivier

What Arts Rapid City learned at NAMP-Camp

Posted by Sara Olivier, Nov 14, 2014

Sara Olivier

We’re sitting in a local diner in Atlanta, trying to summarize what we gleaned from the National Arts Marketing Conference in a short blog post. Like it’s possible. Actually, we can’t seem to get away from #nampc this year in Atlanta. Seriously. We cannot leave. During Sha Hwang’s brilliant keynote, in which he rhapsodized about the brave pilots who were the first to “fly west with the night,” United airlines texted that our westbound, evening flight home was canceled. Oh the irony.

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Laura Kakolewski

Prepare for Lift Off: Welcome to our 2015 Arts Marketing Blog Salon

Posted by Laura Kakolewski, Oct 19, 2015

Laura Kakolewski

Salt Lake City, Utah is the home of this year’s National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference: Lift Off. You can look forward to exploring digital marketing strategy, audience engagement and retention, brand loyalty, gamification, and experiential marketing, just to name a few.

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