Author(s): Dan Rosenfeld
Date of Publication: May 28, 2012

Public art in transit-oriented developments presents a valuable marketing opportunity, both for public agencies and private developers. Dollar for dollar, investments in public art may provide the highest financial returns of any funds committed to an aspect of a transit project. The intangible benefits of public art—aesthetic beauty, cultural interpretation, education, inspiration, and general improvement of the urban environment—are well-known. But because these are considered "soft" benefits, they are sometimes dismissed as a low priority, especially during

Author(s): Katherine Gressel
Date of Publication: Jan 07, 2012

This article provides an overview of challenges in evaluating public art.

Author(s): McGregor, Jennifer and Piechocki, Renee
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2012

The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy will collaborate with Boston’s creative community to present public art that enhances the city’s imaginative capacity, enlivens neighborhoods, contributes to economic vitality, and sparks civic exchange.

Author(s): Regional Arts & Culture Council
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2011

The Regional Arts & Culture Council in Portland, Oregon, invites artists producing work in visual, performing, literary and/or media arts to submit qualifications for an artist-in-residence project at Bud Clark Commons (650 NW Irving) which provides living quarters and services to individuals experiencing homelessness. The selected artist/team will create work in any media that engages and/or is a result of collaborating with the tenants and staff at the facility. The budget for the project is $25,000. The deadline for submissions is 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 18, 2011. The expected

Author(s): Public Art Network Advisory Council
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

Best Practice Goals and Guidelines outlines the guidelines for the field in order to ensure a process that is ethical, fair, and reasonable for artists, curators/arts administrators, etc. 

Author(s): Hodgson, Kimberly; Beavers, Kelly Ann
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

In this series of briefing papers, the American Planning Association — as part of a collaborative project with the RMC Research Corporation and with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation — illustrates how planners can work with partners in the arts and culture sector and use creative strategies to achieve economic, social, environmental, and community goals.

Author(s): National Endowment for the Arts
Date of Publication: Aug 01, 2010

This comprehensive survey of outdoor arts festivals by the National Endowment for the Arts examines public festivals' demograhics, pricing, and the arts and festival themes represented, allowing us to understand arts festivals' neighborhood impacts and cultural roles.

Author(s): Kirkland, Larry; Conley Odenkirk, Sarah
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2010

The purpose of this overview and form contract is to give a general idea of the structure and make up of a Design Development Agreement, not to suggest that this is the only way to draft such an agreement.

Author(s): Kirkland, Larry; Conley Odenkirk, Sarah
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2010

This agreement template is designed as a recommendation for developing a contract between a commissioning agency and an artist as a means to contract with the artist to develop a concept for an art project for a specific location.

Author(s): Kirkland, Larry; Conley Odenkirk, Sarah
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2010

This Concept Consultancy Letter Agreement Template is intended to cover a specific situation – one in which an agency, program or private developer is interested in exploring the potential of an art project for a specific location
