Author(s): Carver, John and Carver, Miriam Mayhew
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1995

Board members can be successful strategic leaders if they nurture their sense of group responsibility. All members must participate in the discipline and productivity of the group. All members must be willing to challenge and urge each other on to big dreams, lucid values, and fidelity to their trusteeship. All members must cherish diversity in viewpoints as well as the challenge of reaching an unambiguous, single board position derived from that diversity. All members must strive for accountability in the board's job, confident that if quality dwells in the boardroom, the rest of the

Author(s): Carver, John and Carver, Miriam Mayhew
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1995

Modern governance is not simply modern management practiced by a governing board. To be sure, the principles of management and governance are closely related. But governance is more than management writ large. And it is more than a quality control board of expert managers and technicians running inspections and approvals to maintain order. The secret of modern governance lies in policy-making, but policy-making of a finely crafted sort.

Author(s): Terry, Robert W.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1994

In Authentic Leadership, Mr. Terry propounds an all-encompassing concept of leadership, one that he asserts pulls together into one piece of cloth all the major and well-acknowledged threads of thinking to date on leadership.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Oct 31, 1994

November 1994 Monograph highlights findings from our 1993 Survey of Local Arts Agencies.

Author(s): Lehman, Erin and Galinsky, Adam
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

The oldest of the four self-governing symphony orchestras in London, The London Symphony Orchestra, has a long-standing tradition of self-governance. The players who founded the orchestra were, at the turn of the century, members of the Queen's Hall Orchestra which was managed by Sir Henry Wood. The pay was not good, and players regularly sent substitutes (or deputies) to rehearsals and concerts whenever they could get higher-paid outside work. To elicit greater commitment from his players, Wood offered them a guaranteed wage in exchange for elimination of the deputy system. Forty-six

Author(s): Rogers, Eric R.; Strong, Tonda N.; Tomson, Nancy Smith; Vickers, Donn F.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

A useful publication designed to optimize the working relationship between an organizations executive director and board leadership. A variety of topics are covered in the book including:

Author(s): Scottsdale Cultural Council
Date of Publication: Jun 07, 1993

This document defines the governing rules and regulations of the Board of Directors for the Scottsdale Cultural Council.

Author(s): Overton, Patrick
Date of Publication: Mar 31, 1993

The following was presented at the Fourth National Conference on Ethics in America held in Long Beach, California, February 16-19, 1993. The theme of the Conference was Building Ethical Organizations - Cultivating Ethical People: Bringing the Practical into Practice.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1993

February 1993 Monograph highlights the Local Arts Agency Facts Survey for fiscal year 1991

Author(s): Independent Sector
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

This guidebook is a companion to Independent Sectors 1991 report, Ethics and the Nations Philanthropic Community Obedience to the Unenforceable. The questions included are examples of the kinds of questions organizations, through their board and staff leaders, should be asking themselves about the ethical quality of their policies and actions. These questions can serve as a centerpiece for reflecting on the ethical behavior of the organization.
