The highlights of the 2014 National Arts Marketing Project Conference held in Atlanta.

Americans for the Arts is thrilled to be co-hosting the 2014 NAMP Conference in conjunction with our local host, The City of Atlanta’s Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA).

Kevin helped jumpstart the conference by teaching the value in improving the community aspect of your business, which in turn improves yiour community.


About this Webinar


#GivingTuesday, a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration, is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year.

Optimizing your website for your customer doesn't have to mean a complete redesign. We'll take a look at data showing how people interact with websites as well as case studies of successful design to help you adjust your website for maximum usability. You'll also learn what Google Analytics data you should be looking at regularly to determine the efficacy of your website.

Input To Action: Using Your Collected Data Effectively
Now more than ever, there are effective and manageable means for measuring audience engagement and marketing reach regularly, giving marketers a sounding board for what is and isn’t working in programming and outreach. But how do we use the data we collect to inform our decisions? What practical steps can be taken to ensure that we’re collecting the data we need and not spreading resources too thin? This webinar will cover the following:

As arts marketers, we are constantly searching for compelling ways to invite people to experience our products. While branding is the method by which we shape others’ ideas about our organizations or work, one of the most powerful ways to create authenticity in that image-crafting is creating a compelling story and voice to share that narrative. This webinar will cover the following:

There’s no question that the capabilities and usage of mobile devices continue to rise as technology advances. Mobile devices are surpassing desktop computers as the primary tool for accessing the web. That means new and existing audiences are using mobile devices to search for your organization, access information, and even purchase tickets. It's time to ebrace mobile!


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