There’s no question that the capabilities and usage of mobile devices continue to rise as technology advances. Mobile devices are surpassing desktop computers as the primary tool for accessing the web. That means new and existing audiences are using mobile devices to search for your organization, access information, and even purchase tickets. It's time to ebrace mobile!

Join us as we delve into marketing strategies designed to help artists position themselves and their art for greater success, however you personally define that.

Between e-mail marketing, direct mail, a plethora of social media platforms, and buzz marketing aka “word-of-mouth,” marketing, how do you understand what’s working and what’s not? First, you need to have a good understanding on the no-nonsense approach to the ROI, or Return on Investment of your marketing techniques:

Many arts organization know that they want to expand their reach and grow their audiences, but they don't know where to start. In this webinar, you'll learn why in order to see change within your arts organization, YOU need to become a change agent. We will explore the tools and technology to reach new, diverse audiences: reaching across demographics, different income levels, and education levels. 

Presented by: Adam Thurman, Director of Marketing & Communications, Court Theatre at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Explore and learn from arts organizations that have experimented with innovative approaches to audience engagement, including participatory programming, contests, and crowdsourcing. Hear from Karina Mangu-Ward, Director of Activating Innovation at EmcArts, Mike Murawski Director of Education and Public Programs at the Portland Art Museum, and 2013 ArtsFwd Business Unusual Challenge Finalist Dale Albright, Director of Field Services, Theatre Bay Area, about how to let go of old assumptions and adapt to the challenges of our new era.  

Take a closer look at participation conditions and behaviors to consider when developing audience engagement programming. Artist and engagement strategist Rachel Grossman will review categories of participant-types, environmental factors, and communication tools, and share examples of tactics and activities with multiple points of entry for a range of audience members. This webinar will also provide insight into drawing connecting threads from your artistic programming to your marketing and advertising.

Presented by: Rachel Grossman, Ring Leader, dog&pony dc

Remember the days when all your ticket buyers called you when they wanted tickets? Remember when you had to pick up the phone to call them when you wanted something? Many subscribers and ticket buyers still respond to this traditional model but many of your website visitors and those aware of your organization's presence on social media have different expectations. Some of them buy and some of them don't.

Recent studies argue that there are too many venues and arts organizations are struggling with capitalization.  All of this, plus other bottom-line issues, puts more pressure on earned income.

Nina Simon, known for her popular blog Museum 2.0, has been acclaimed for her visionary approach to engaging the public in cultural institutions to make them more dynamic, relevant, essential places. Last year, Ms. Simon took on the task of turning around a cultural institution that was floundering financially, testing out her community-centered approach with the aim of creating a dynamic new future for the Museum of Art & History in Santa Cruz.

Capturing the Latino market can be tricky. A lack of understanding can be detrimental to the success of arts programs in highly dense Latino communities. One of the biggest mistakes could be to be steered by assumptions, therefore an understanding of the different dimensions of the Latino market is essential. What does it mean to be Latino in your community?  How do you define the Latino audience? Key points this webinar will explore include:

In the context of today's rapidly shifting media environment, learn current best practices and tips for targeting both existing and prospective new patrons where they gather online, plus how to deliver compelling campaigns that build engagement and result in measurable transactions. The webinar will cover a wide spectrum of information including digital advertising delivery mechanisms, targeting specific audience profiles, creative best practices, how to best leverage search engine marketing (SEM), as well as integration and tracking results within ticketing platforms.

Nobody wants to take the last donut on the conference room table (people will go as far as to cut it in half just so they won't be the last one). The same thing happens on your Facebook page: nobody wants to be the first to comment on your recent post. We are social creatures governed by complex behavioral rules. In this webinar, arts marketing consultant and consumer psychologist Ron Evans will explore techniques to tap into everyday human behavior to help drive engagement via social media.

Your donors are online, and your fundraising strategy must reflect this reality. As your organization's demographics change, so must your tactics for reaching new members in order to cultivate them into active supporters and, eventually, long-term donors. Digital marketing's many platforms allow your organization to reach the right audience at the right time, in increasingly targeted and sophisticated ways, yielding measurable return on investment (ROI).

In January 2011, Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater embarked upon a new cross-department initiative to build patron loyalty and lifetime value. Recognizing that many times marketing and development divisions operate as separate silos, Arena Stage in collaboration with Target Resource Group began to look at patrons holistically, and they developed strategies to increase loyalty and to build revenue streams while reducing costs by finding efficiencies.

Many arts organizations struggle with a website that they can't update themselves or one that is difficult to manage. Rebuilding your site with a user-friendly and inexpensive content management system will not only improve the aesthetics of your site, but also allow anyone on staff (whether or not they have HTML knowledge) to make easy updates and provide fresh content. In this webinar, you will learn real-world tips that will help you a web manager pro in no time!

In this webinar, you will gain an understanding of the competitive environment for consumer attention and discover the how to maximize your impact with limited dollars. Our presenter Jen Taylor will cover media and advertising options (paid and grassroots media) and how the layering of various media can best deliver your message and win audiences.

Presented by: Jen Taylor, aka Entertainment


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