Randy Cohen is Vice President of Research at Americans for the Arts—the national advocacy organization for the arts—where he has been empowering arts advocates since 1991. Cohen is known for balancing rigorous research methods with accessible and actionable results. His work at Americans for the Arts has provided new perspectives on the nonprofit arts. He recently published Arts & Economic Prosperity 6: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts & Culture Organizations and their Audiences and Americans Speak Out About the Arts in 2023, a national public opinion study about the arts.

Americans for the Arts and rootoftwo Publish Resource Bank on Cultural Asset Mapping

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Screenshot of an online database showing images and descriptions of resources.

As a key strategy in supporting the development of inclusive creative economies across the nation, this database provides a distilled jumping off point for learning and growth related to community- and asset-based approaches for equitable development. 

Take a “Creative Stay” in Colorado

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Logo for Creative Stays, which resembles a vintage motel sign with its font and diamond shape. Below the logo text reads: Artistic itineraries in and around Colorado Springs.

The Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region recently launched Creative Stays to attract cultural tourists to Colorado Springs and the surrounding community. Perfect for out-of-town visitors and local residents, Creative Stays offers a variety of new ways to explore and enjoy some of the wonderful attractions and amenities that the Pikes Peak region has to offer.

Mr. Jay H. Dick

From the Elected Official’s Perspective: Why Arts Advocacy Matters

Posted by Mr. Jay H. Dick, Mar 25, 2022

Mr. Jay H. Dick

There is a great deal of information on arts organizations’ websites about why and how arts advocacy is important, along with suggestions for best practices for advocates. Here is an opportunity to switch up the perspective from the arts advocate and learn about the elected officials’ thought process. I recently interviewed Iowa Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg (R), whose relationship with Americans for the Arts through the National Lieutenant Governors Association has helped him understand that the arts are everywhere in our economy, how they play a huge role in education and rural development, and the ways they can support other areas such as health care and community cohesion. We discussed the importance of building relationships with elected officials in order to educate and advocate for issues that matter, how the arts make an impact in all 99 of Iowa’s counties, why it’s crucial for advocates to come together and work toward a common cause, and more.

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Negative Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Nation’s Arts & Culture Sector Was Significant, New Government Research Shows

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Graffiti style mural painted on a brick wall showing a nurse in traditional white uniform and a white mask with a heartbeat graph behind them and COVID-19 above them.

For the first time since the post-Great Recession period, the year-over-year value add of arts and culture production declined in 2020, from $930 billion in 2019 to an estimated $877 billion in 2020. Even with that decline, however, the economic impact of the creative sector is significant: the sector represented 4.2% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020 and supported 4.6 million wage and salary workers.

Randy Cohen

10 Reasons to Support the Arts in 2022

Posted by Randy Cohen, Mar 21, 2022

Randy Cohen

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, empathy, and beauty. The arts also strengthen our communities socially, educationally, and economically—benefits that persist even during a pandemic that has been devastating to the arts. The following 10 reasons show why an investment in artists, creative workers, and arts organizations is vital to the nation’s post-pandemic healing and recovery. The arts are a proven contributor in keeping us mentally healthy—reducing depression and anxiety and increasing life satisfaction. Just 30 minutes of arts activities daily can combat the ill effects of isolation and loneliness associated with COVID-19—and 78% of hospital CEOs say the purpose of their arts programs is to aid in the emotional and mental healing of patients Those data points nail it. The arts are all about stories—often personal, always meaningful. This advocacy season, find your stories and pair them with the research-based findings in “10 Reasons to Support the Arts.”

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Americans for the Arts Offers Testimony for First Congressional Small Business Hearing on Creative Economy

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Committee on Small Business logo

The first ever hearing dedicated to the creative economy explored both the impact of COVID-19 on the creative economy, and the various points of connection to federal assistance to small businesses for recovery and long-term support for growth. At the invitation of the committee, Americans for the Arts provided additional testimony alongside other national arts service organizations. 

Registration Open for the 2022 National Arts Action Summit

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

National Arts Action Summit logo

Arts advocates from across the United States will gather virtually March 28-30, 2022, for the National Arts Action Summit, now in its 35th consecutive year. This year, for the first time, there will be no registration fee to attend the National Arts Action Summit for both individuals and partner organizations.

Congressional Arts Champions Boost Creative Economy Policy with Seven New Bills

Friday, February 4, 2022

Image of seven colorful puzzle pieces fitted together under the header "Federal Creative Economy Legislation"

There is now more pro-creative economy legislation being considered by Congress than at any other point in U.S. history. In the last several months arts advocates have been working with members of Congress to introduce an historic lineup of pro-arts legislation that map a new, more equitable and impactful policy landscape for creative businesses and workers.

Jessica Stern

Cultural Asset Identification & Building Inclusive Creative Economies

Posted by Jessica Stern, Jan 20, 2022

Jessica Stern

In early 2021, we published an outline of the goals and commitments Americans for the Arts is making towards supporting the development of an inclusive creative economy nationally and in local communities. This work in 2022 will focus on helping communities build awareness of their cultural assets and how to equitably strengthen, value, and utilize them. In partnership with and under the guidance of Cézanne Charles and John Marshall, principals of rootoftwo, LLC, we will embark on a year-long process to devise a set of tools, guides, evaluations, and trainings—with ample opportunities for participation from the field in the development of these tools—that will support local arts leaders in their efforts to identify and define their unique creative economies, and help communities to identify cultural assets and understand the health of those assets. 

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Creative Workforce Coalition Requests Hearing on Labor Policy

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Text graphic that reads "Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act"

A group of 60 creative workforce organizations sent a joint letter to House Education & Labor Committee Chairman Bobby Scott (D-VA) to request a hearing on the creative workforce and consideration of several policy items as the committee considers the reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for the first time since it was initially adopted in 2014.

San Diego and Tijuana Named First Binational World Design Capital

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A black and white logo that reads: World Design Capital, San Diego - Tijuana 2024

The World Design Organization recognized the cities of San Diego in the United States and Tijuana in Mexico as a result of their commitment to human-centered design and legacy of cross-border collaboration to transform the region’s natural and built environments.

New Bipartisan Federal Bill to Put Creative Workers to Work for Community Recovery Introduced

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Side by side photos - a person with long dark hair wearing a red and turquoise blazer in front of the US and New Mexico flags, and a person with short dark hair wearing a suit and tie in front of the US flag.

On Friday, August 13, 2021, U.S. Reps. Teresa Leger Fernández (D-NM) and Jay Obernolte (R-CA) introduced the Creative Economy Revitalization Act (CERA). The bill authorizes $300 million to mitigate creative worker displacement, stimulate local creative workforce growth, strengthen connections for local creative small businesses and networks, create a pipeline for new creative jobs, enrich communities, increase access to culture, and invest in creative workers and local economies harmed by COVID-19.

Over 110 Chambers of Commerce Deliver Letter to Congress Supporting $18 Billion in Recovery Support for Creative Economy

Friday, April 30, 2021

A chart showing the 59% economic contraction in the arts, entertainment, and recreation sector between December 2019 and June 2020, and the 19% return from July to December 2020.

Building on two previous letters of support for relief and recovery efforts to help the arts, culture, and the creative sector, a coalition of 113 chambers of commerce in 46 states delivered a letter to U.S. House and Senate leadership asking that $18 billion be allocated within the forthcoming infrastructure recovery bills specifically to support creative economic recovery. Signatories come from chambers in communities of all sizes and geographies and collectively serve over 33 million Americans.

Weekly Web Roundup: April 23, 2021

Friday, April 23, 2021

A bronze sculpture of two figures sitting side by side leaning on each other and holding hands.

Enjoy this week’s blogs, news, and webinar replays on topics ranging from fundraising, cultural equity and access, and the inclusive creative economy to arts and business partnerships, public art, and funding for the National Endowment for the Arts—plus, learn how to make our Local Arts Agency Dashboard work for you.

Americans for the Arts Publishes Inclusive Creative Economy Glossary and Website

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

A photo of small wood letter tiles spelling out the word "glossary."

Americans for the Arts is pleased to introduce our new online glossary of terms and definitions related to the inclusive creative economy, and a full website of resources, information, and action related to developing an inclusive creative economy. 


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