Americans for the Arts Supports "We Are Veterans"

Raising Awareness for Veterans Through the Arts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

As part of Americans for the Arts' ongoing initative to support our veterans and their families by helping them heal through the arts, we have recently partnered with We Are Veterans, a collaboration of local PBS stations, partner organizations, veteran service organizations, and communities to leverage resources to raise awareness about the well-being of veterans and their families.

Americans for the Arts Supports “We Are Veterans”

Raising Awareness for Veterans Through the Arts

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


WASHINGTON D.C. - “We Are Veterans” is a collaboration of local PBS stations, partner organizations, veteran service organizations, and communities to leverage resources to raise awareness about the well-being of veterans and their families. Americans for the Arts and on behalf of the collaborative National Initiative for Arts & Health in the Military and its partners joins as a proud supporter of this initiative.

Featured in this video is an introduction to Creative Forces: NEA Military Healing Arts Network, an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the U.S. Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs and the state and local arts agencies that seeks to improve the health, wellness, and quality of life for military and veteran populations exposed to trauma, as well as their families and caregivers.

Army Veteran Willie Weaver-Bey showcases the healing power of art at the 2016 National Veterans Creative Arts Festival. The ex-con turned to VA's at-risk and creative arts programs after serving 40 years in prison for drug convictions. Weaver-Bey is one of more than 120 Veterans who participated in the 2016 festival held in Jackson, Mississippi.

Air Force Veteran Chris Smith says VA health care helped him deal with the anxiety of losing his eyesight. The Chicago musician and singer found healing and rehabilitation with music therapy at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center. Smith was one of more than 120 Veterans to participate in the 2016 National Veterans Creative Arts Festival in Jackson, Mississippi.

Legally blind Veteran Jim Stevens shares how creating his art forms with mono-filament line has saved his life.

Over 2 million service members have been deployed since 2001, many returning with serious physical and psychological traumas. Learn how artists and veteran organizations in one community transform lives through art—and unite the community in confronting the challenges. (Livestreamed from the 2014 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention.)

Roman Baca is a ballet dancer that joined the Marines. As a veteran, he promotes social change and health through the art of movement. Baca has participated in Google Hangouts with Americans for the Arts about art's power to heal our veterans and their families.

The Park Avenue Chamber Symphony Orchestra (PACS) will honor veterans of the United States Armed Forces with a large-scale gala concert at Carnegie Hall on November 19, 8pm. The performance will feature the New York premiere of Dreams of the Fallen - the much-admired new work by award-winning composer Jake Runestad and the poet and United States Army veteran Brian Turner.

Nov 11 - 7:00pm and Nov 14 - 10:15am

Voices from the Long War is the first time that US Military veterans share the stage with Iraqi and Afghan refugees in a stage show written by Telling Project founder Jonathan Wei, tracing how both Veterans and refugees strive to return home – or build a new one – in an America that is removed from the war. 

10am - 3pm

Merchant Hall

An interactive day of celebration and arts experiences for Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families.

The Museum of Glass is holding an opening celebration of the new exhibition "Healing in Flames" on November 8 at 10:30 am.


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