Ms. Saori Murphy

Brush, Breath and Line: A Veteran’s Recovery through the Arts

Posted by Ms. Saori Murphy, Feb 02, 2018

Ms. Saori Murphy

I am a US Army veteran, artist, teacher, creative soul guide, and like all of us—a work in progress. With all of these things that I feel I am, I know that being of service to others has been and will always be a thread in the tapestry of my life. The many journeys within my life always bring new challenges, self-awareness, and growth. It's been 20 years since my first battle with suicidal ideation and major depression. I've had some relapses since then, but with each fight, insights surface and propel me to more self-discovery and deeper healing. It wasn't until after my last relapse four years ago that I discovered what my “service to others” would be, and that my journey of healing through creativity would be born.

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Mr. Ben F. Martin

“To My Fellow Combat Veterans”

Posted by Mr. Ben F. Martin, Sep 13, 2017

Mr. Ben F. Martin

I taught theatre in Lee’s Summit, MO for many years and had the privilege to work with many wonderful students. One of them I truly treasured was Richard Gibson, who went on to enlist in the Marines after high school and serve his country with honor. Richard wrote a letter in response to the budget situation facing the Missouri Legislature this year. From his words, I hope all elected officials realize the value of the arts in education. Adequate funding for schools keep arts programs alive. Public investment in arts agencies allows institutions in large cities and rural communities alike to provide arts opportunities for their citizens.

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Mr. Robert Lynch

The Arts and Veterans: A Mighty Force

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Jun 30, 2017

Mr. Robert Lynch

The Fourth of July is a time to honor and reflect on the determination and sacrifices of our service members in making our freedom possible. Over the years, stories have emerged of how veterans across the country come back—and what they give back—after overcoming sometimes decades of struggles with combat and service-related illness and injuries. Many of these veterans say that the arts saved their lives—but in finding their creative voice, they are also enriching our lives too.

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Heather Spooner, MA, ATR-BC

Jenny Baxley Lee, MA, BC-DMT

Helping Veterans Build Connections Between Creative Arts Therapy Programs and Their Local Arts Communities Through Telehealth

Posted by Heather Spooner, MA, ATR-BC, Jenny Baxley Lee, MA, BC-DMT, May 05, 2017

Heather Spooner, MA, ATR-BC

Jenny Baxley Lee, MA, BC-DMT

The past five years have been a renaissance for those of us who incorporate the arts into our work with Veterans. However, as professionals who deeply engage in this work each day, we are aware that gaps remain in the continuum of care provided to Veterans. One such gap is in the transition from clinic to home-based care. Many service members and Veterans receive intensive therapy, including creative arts therapy, following an injury or illness and then return to their own corners of the world, which are disproportionately rural and isolated. 

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Jeffrey Pufahl, MFA, LMUS

The Mission of Theater: The Contract of Showtime

Posted by Jeffrey Pufahl, MFA, LMUS, May 04, 2017

Jeffrey Pufahl, MFA, LMUS

There are basic contracts theater makers enter with each other when they start a project. These unwritten rules govern the creation of a piece of theater. We understand that what is shared at a performance is only between those who are there, and although the performance disappears forever once the lights are dimmed, what was shared remains and is carried by the audience. For the veterans who tell their stories through theater, their burdens can become a little lighter, a little more bearable—and that can make the pain of telling worthwhile.

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Susan Marie Saloom

Five Views of the Healing Power of the Arts

Posted by Susan Marie Saloom, May 01, 2017

Susan Marie Saloom

This week, Americans for the Arts is sharing the diverse arts and health experiences of five Assistant Scholars and Lecturers at the UF Center for Arts in Medicine in Gainesville. You will read of the joint experience of both patient and artist, the benefits of storytelling among children engaged in a journey of treatment, and the challenge of shaping healthy lifestyles among teenagers with theater, as well as two stories of the arts and healing for Veterans.

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Phyllis T. Miller

The Therapeutic Healing of Art Among Veterans

Posted by Phyllis T. Miller, Nov 28, 2016

Phyllis T. Miller

Studies have proven that a designed interior with emphasis on color and art provides a therapeutic experience without stress to the client/patient, and is an ideal setting to gain the best outcome from a visit to the medical office or clinic. Unfortunately, there are those who see art as a luxury or an unnecessary expense, rather than as a therapeutic healing supplement to enhance the greater purpose and to improve both internal and external health. This is one of the reasons I created The Veterans Art Venue, with a mission to exhibit, to provide, and to empower through art, beyond words. Our art evokes a thought, a reflection and a therapeutic embrace.

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Ms. Kate O. McClanahan

Ms. Patricia Walsh

Marete Wester

Supporting the Health of Our Veterans with the Arts

Posted by Ms. Kate O. McClanahan, Ms. Patricia Walsh, Marete Wester, Nov 10, 2016

Ms. Kate O. McClanahan

Ms. Patricia Walsh

Marete Wester

As Veterans Day approaches, we wanted to take pause to reflect on the transformative power that access to the arts has on veterans, their families, and the communities they call home. Today and tomorrow, we will be publishing blog posts exploring the impact that access to the arts and creative arts therapies has had on veterans’ recovery and reintegration—and sometimes even redeployment. But for every veteran and service member, as well as their families and loved ones, who has felt and benefitted from the transformative power of the arts, there are some decision-makers who need to be convinced. 

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Kristin La Flamme

Giving Voice Through Art

Posted by Kristin La Flamme, Nov 11, 2016

Kristin La Flamme

I am an artist and a military spouse. I create artwork that expresses the fragile strength of life as an Army wife.  I have found that if I can express my challenges and frustrations through my art, the message is less finite or specific. The artwork is not just about me. And it’s not only cathartic to me, but it leaves room for the viewer to bring his or her own experience and voice to the visual conversation as well—in ways that words and writing can not. 

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Mr. Robert Lynch

Looking Back and Moving Forward—Supporting Our Veterans Through the Arts

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Nov 21, 2017

Mr. Robert Lynch

November is Veterans Month, a time to celebrate, honor, and reflect on the contributions of the men and women who have served our country in peacetime and in conflict. Earlier this month, I made my way to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for their 14th Annual Healing Arts Exhibit and Symposium, where I was met by the champion of this effort, Captain Moira G. McGuire, and had an opportunity to explore the art on display. My job there was to give the opening speech about the long history of connection between the arts and the military going all the way back to the days of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, but being surrounded by the incredible artwork produced by the wounded, ill, and injured members of the armed services and their families was the real benefit of being there.

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Maranatha Bivens

Americans for the Arts Holds Congressional Briefing on Veterans and Creative Arts Therapies

Posted by Maranatha Bivens, Nov 12, 2015

Maranatha Bivens

“How many people here have served in the military?” Two people in the briefing room raised their hands. Brigadier General (Ret) Nolen Bivens scanned the room of Congressional staffers and tried another question. “How many of you know a Veteran?” The room filled with raised hands. “That’s why we’re here,” he said.

Each year on Veterans Day we reflect on the past and present service of members of the armed forces. With service members returning from combat in waves, and a large percentage living within the civilian community, chances are, you know someone with military affiliation. Along with those taking the time to thank family members, neighbors, or coworkers for their service, there are numerous nonprofits, businesses, and organizations banding together to create program and outreach efforts to support the military community. 



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Mr. Robert Lynch

Through the Power of their Creativity, Veterans Continue to Serve

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Nov 11, 2015

Mr. Robert Lynch

During a recent trip to Denver to join in presenting a national award for state arts leadership to Governor Hickenlooper, Deborah Jordy, Executive Director of the Colorado Business Committee for the Arts, approached me. "There is someone I'd really like you to meet." Curtis Bean was his name.

A remarkable community activist, an entrepreneur and an artist, Curtis is doing transformational work through the arts. He is also a Veteran. Straight out of high school and over the course of five years and two tours in Iraq, he completed his military service as an Army sniper.

Like many others, Curtis returned home with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He planned on being a fireman, but anger and nightmares were interfering with his life. His girlfriend, an art student, suggested he try painting when counseling wasn't enough, and that's when something clicked. Healing started to happen -- and a new doorway was opened.

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Blue Star Museums Summer is Here!

Free Admission for Active Duty Military Families

Monday, May 6, 2019

Blue Star Museum NEA-BSF

Every summer, from Armed Services Day to Labor Day, Blue Star Museums offer free admission to active duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve. This year, the Blue Star Museums program begins on Saturday, May 18, 2019 and will end on Monday, September 2, 2019. 

Heather Spooner, MA, ATR-BC

Jenny Baxley Lee, MA, BC-DMT

Galvanizing Artists to Engage the Military and their Loved Ones in their Communities

Posted by Heather Spooner, MA, ATR-BC, Jenny Baxley Lee, MA, BC-DMT, May 02, 2019

Heather Spooner, MA, ATR-BC

Jenny Baxley Lee, MA, BC-DMT

As creative arts therapists working within the VA, we have one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable. The veterans we work with inspire us every day and we work within a system that values our contributions. It is an exciting time to do this work, as the arts and creative arts therapies are receiving increased recognition by both the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs, thanks largely to programs such as the National Initiative for Arts and Health in the Military: Americans for the Arts and Creative Forces: The NEA Military Healing Arts Network. This year, the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine is partnering with the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs on an open-access online resource for veterans and community artists who wish to engage in community arts interactions with active service members, veterans, and their loved ones. We hope this project increases arts access in support of our service members, deepens their connection to their local communities, and enhances the overall wellbeing of all involved.

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Chae Reid

Dancing4Defenders: How Dancing Can Benefit Military Populations

Posted by Chae Reid, Mar 15, 2019

Chae Reid

Since my enlistment in the US Air Force, I have conducted group classes on military installations since 2013. As part of my DC-area dance company, Moving Rhythms, I began Dance4Defenders, which aims to provide dance-related programming to military members and veterans wherever I am stationed. Most recently, in February 2019, I hosted a dance class at the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore. But, let’s talk about the benefits of dance! In the last few years, dance and health professionals alike have touted the numerous benefits of dancing, from both physical and mental standpoints. These include every aspect from improved heart and lung function to increased confidence and psychological wellbeing. However, dancing can have even more positive implications for military service members and veterans.

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