Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: January 2019

This report reviews results from the 2018 Local Arts Agency Profile Equitable Investment module, which was completed by 537 local arts agencies (LAAs) across the United States. It focuses on how, when, and where LAAs currently consider equity in the deployment of their funds, time, space, and staff.

Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: January 2019

A report on the first two years of progress following the 2016 adoption of the Americans for the Arts Statement on Cultural Equity by that organization, with accompanying data and analysis. Also includes recommendations for future work.

Author(s): Erica Gabrielle Foldy and Tamara R. Buckley
Date of Publication: February 1, 2014

The Color Bind provides a useful lens for policy makers, researchers and practitioners pursuing in a wide variety of goals, from addressing racial disparities in health and education to creating diverse and inclusive organizations to providing culturally competent services to clients and customers. By foregrounding open conversations about race and ethnicity, Foldy and Buckley show that institutions can transcend the color bind in order to better acknowledge and reflect the diverse populations they serve.

Author(s): Poulin, Jeff M.
Date of Publication: August 2018

An issue brief hosted in the Arts Education Navigator for advocates to gain foundational knowledge, concrete examples, and sample policy asks to become an effective advocate for music education

Author(s): Partners for Livable Communities
Date of Publication: June 1, 2011

Due to the financial consequences from the Great Recession, many US communities have been unable to make significant progress in preparing to meet the needs of the country’s rapidly aging population. The Maturing of America—Communities Moving Forward for an Aging Population, a follow-up to an extensive survey conducted in 2005, reveals that at best, communities have managed to maintain the status quo for the past six years due to the decline in the overall economy and local government budgets.

Author(s): Partners for Livable Communities
Date of Publication: January 1, 2010

Livable Communities for All Ages is a thoughtful brochure that reflects years of expertise and findings, as well as resources and case studies, on how all facets of the community can contribute to a more “older adult –friendly” environment.

Author(s): Lyz Crane, Jane King and Douglas Stewart
Date of Publication: January 1, 2011

Culture Connects All, a benchmark report by Partners for Livable communities funded by MetLife Foundation, offers new audience-building opportunities for arts and cultural organizations to engage two of America’s fastest growing populations: immigrant and older adult populations.

Author(s): Bieber, Liz; Miller, Brian; and Cooper, Will
Date of Publication: January 1, 2012

Stories for Change, a report by Partners for Livable Communities funded by MetLife Foundation, offers leadership examples that expand the arts to new audiences. This compendium of nearly 50 best practices showcases the notable strategies that increase access to arts and culture for older adult and immigrant populations.

Author(s): Cornfield, Daniel B. PhD, Skaggs, Rachel E., Barna, Elizabeth K., Jordan, Megan L., and Robinson, Megan E.
Date of Publication: Jun 06, 2018

In this paper the authors document regional differences in the approaches taken by 55 major U.S. LAAs to the dual mission of pursuing cultural equity and civic engagement and assess the policy implications of the globalization thesis. In making this assessment, they present a university-community partnership (UCP) model for augmenting LAA pursuits of the dual equity-engagement mission.

Author(s): Goldbard, Arlene
Date of Publication: May 1, 2018

Art & Well-Being is comprehensive. It includes a framework for understanding a culture of health, one that responds equally to all individual and community needs. Looking at the social determinants of health—such as race, class, and gender—it demonstrates how social justice is the single greatest factor in ensuring well-being. It features three detailed case studies, dozens of project descriptions, and hundreds of links to powerful arts projects, research resources, and detailed accounts for those who want to go even deeper. A section on right relationship covers

Author(s): University of Michigan School of Social Work Curtis Center Program Evaluation Group (CC-PEG)
Date of Publication: February 2014

Author(s): Foster, Nicole; Grodach, Carl; and Murdoch III, James
Date of Publication: January 25, 2016

Using data from the Cultural Data Project, the authors determine where newly established New York City arts organizations locate in terms of neighborhood racial, income, and industry diversity.

Author(s): Kidd, D., and Castano, E.
Date of Publication: November 1, 2017

This report follows an earlier study that observed an increased ability to understand others’ thoughts and feelings after reading literary fiction. It looks at the prolonged effects of exposure to literary fiction and the resulting effects.

Author(s): World Travel & Tourism Council
Date of Publication: January 1, 2016

Countries with a more open and sustainable tourism sector tend to be more peaceful. This research from the World Travel & Tourism Council looks for the first time at the empirical links between tourism and peace.

Author(s): Conexion
Date of Publication: June 1, 2016

Conexión Américas has worked in partnership with the Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), a leader in building healthy communities — notably with new policies in 2010 that prioritized transportation projects with walking and bicycling infrastructure and dedicated funds for active transportation. [Introduction, p. 1]


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