Author(s): Singer, Leslie P.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

In this paper, the author attempts to bridge the gap between studies of transactions in the tertiary art market, and studies which investigate the supply side in the secondary art market, that, the market of art dealers.

Author(s): Eike, Ann M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1985

In this paper the problems of paperback romance publishing are examined. A brief history of paperback publishing is followed by a characterization of the types of romance fiction. A description of the leadership and supplier/distribution problems are covered subsequently. The paper concludes with predictions about he future romance paperback publishing and mass market publishing industry.

Author(s): Chartrand, Harry Hillman
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

In the emerging Post-Modern Economy, traditional weaknesses of the Arts and Crafts are becoming strengths, strengths that promise a prosperous and productive 21st century for Canadian craftsperson and artists. Driven by a demographic revolution that has produced a population with rapidly rising levels of education, increasing participation of women and an aging demographic profile, the new economy will be one in which quality and design are critical factors in international economic competitiveness.

Author(s): Anderson, Robert J., Jr. and Maltezou, Sonia P.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1976

In our study of the theatre, we are examining what has happened to the economic condition of the live professional theatre in America over the past ten-odd years. We are investigating whether or not the cost-revenue squeeze diagnosed by Baumol and Bowen has become progressively worse, as they predicted, with all the attendant adjustments this would necessitate. We are also examining some of the factors that could account for the patterns in the economic condition of the theatre that we observe over the last decade.

Author(s): Institute for Puget Sound Needs
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1979

In October 1979, after substantial research and fact-finding interviews, it was determined that there existed a need for a concise, thorough economic profile of the non-profit cultural industry of Puget Sound. Because of lack of a comprehensive factual information base, there was, and is, a great deal of speculation about our local cultural industry.

Author(s): Task Force on Public Financing of the Arts and Humanities
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1979

In November of 1978, the Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities invited leaders from business, government, and the arts to bring their combined experience to bear on the fiscal problems facing the Commonwealth's cultural community. The specific charge of the Task Force was to formulate recommendations that would strengthen the base of support for all of the state's cultural resources. After a year-long volunteer effort, the Task Force has fulfilled its charge. The task Force proposes eight recommendations in all: five have been filed as bills in the 1980 legislative session, and

Author(s): Anderson, Robert J. Jr.; Baumol, Hilda; Maltezou, Sonia P.; and Wuthnow, Robert
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1978

In May 1977, in response to a request from Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts contracted for a study of the condition and needs of the live professional theatre in America. The study was to be made in two phases.

Author(s): Arts Funding Review Committee
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1990

In February 1991, the Cincinnati Institute of Fine Arts (CIFA) established an Arts Funding Review Committee to examine the financial status of the community's major arts organizations and recommend a program of private and/or public financing to meet their needs during the 1990s. Establishment of the Committee was in response to concern about mounting financial problems at a number of art institutions. The Committee's work parallels a similar study made in 1985. The Committee established a number of task forces to examine each of the eight Fine Arts Fund organizations, the Institute and other

Author(s): Policy Consulting Associates
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1977

In February 1977, the Arts and Culture Branch of the Secretary of State Department commissioned Policy Consulting Associates Ltd. to develop a program of research that would investigate the economic aspects of the performing arts in Canada. A Consultative Committee, comprising a small group knowledgeable in the arts, from government, academic and performing arts communities, was convened to advise in the development of the study program and recommendations for specific research projects. The substance of this report thus comprises a list of possible research projects and the reasons for

Author(s): Chartrand, Harry Hillman
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

In December 1983 the author submitted An Economic Impact Assessment of the Fine Arts to the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada. The submission presented a professional assessment of an economic sector which has grown dramatically in the last decade and a half and which promises to play an increasingly important role in growth and employment in the economy of tomorrow.

Author(s): Jill Casner-Lotto, Linda Barrington
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2006

In collaboration, The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, The Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and The Society for Human Resource Management conducted an in-depth study of the corporate perspective on the readiness of new entrants into the U.S. workforce by level of educational attainment.

Author(s): Sandison, Hamish R. and Williams, Jennifer
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

In April 1980 the British American Arts Association (UK) organized a seminar to examine and compare the operation of tax policy on financial support of the arts from the private section in the United Kingdom, the of American and Canada. This book contains the papers presented at that Seminar and a report of the ensuing discussions. (Foreword)

Author(s): Padfield, Clive A. F.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

In 1980, the author conducted surveys to examine the funding patterns, and some of the economic contributions of selected performing arts organizations, to the cities of Calgary and Edmonton. Although identical information was collected, the surveys were treated as separate studies. Following successful surveys in both cities for fiscal 1979-1980 the studies were continued over a three year period, between 1979-1982. Since the information collected in both cities was identical, the possibility for comparison was present and, with one exception, the participating organizations were also

Author(s): Monroe Metropolitan Arts Resources Committee
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

In 1971 a task force of the Metropolitan Arts Resources Committee conducted an economic survey, the primary purposes of which were twofold: First, to identify the financial needs generated by the arts requirements of the people of Monroe County and the resources available to fulfill those needs; and second, to evaluate alternatives available to close the gap which was expected to exist between requirements and the resources available to meet these requirements.

Author(s): Wellington, Donald C. and Gall, Joseph C
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

High inflation over many years helps account for a considerable growth in the market for small and cheap antiques such as depression glass, beer cans and baseball cards. The author examines the market for lead toy soldiers.


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