Author(s): Hightower, John B. and Kerr, Arthur J.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1969

The authors review the financial situation of major cultural institutions in New York State from 1970-71.

Author(s): Waits, C. Richard and McNertney, Edward M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

The authors' purpose is the provide a framework in which artists are seen as economic individuals who base decisions on the same set of factors as nonartists.The author are uncomfortable with the notion that artists are a special breed who are not responsive to economic incentives.

Author(s): Bonato, Leo; Gagliardi, Francesco; and Gorelli, Stefano
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

The authors deals with the question of what is the role of demand in the definition of public policies for the performing arts. Empirical research on consumers' behavior and the efficiency of public expenditure in the performing arts is likely to expand in Italy in the near future as an effort to find answers to this question. The work presented in this article, where the authors try to model and estimate a demand function for live performing arts, has be first as one of these first attempts.

Author(s): Baumol, Hilda and Baumol, William J.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

The author show that the often discussed cost disease is a inexorable in film and television production as it is in live performances. Economics factors that lead to decreased rehearsals performers, and sets as well as a safer repertoire crosses into broadcast media; they also increase economic pressures on live performances.

Author(s): Throsby, C. David and Withers, Glenn A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1978

The author reviews the book, The Economics of the Performing Arts, by C.D. Throsby and G. A. Withers. Though primarily concerned with the performing arts, it is a pioneer work in the sense that it offers the first systematic study of the economic theory, the empirical characteristics and the policy issues of the arts.

Author(s): Phillips, Anthony
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1974

The author outlines the discussion that were held at this seminar on funding the arts. He makes the following conclusion: Despite the overwhelming urgency of the financial problems which are afflicting all aspects of the arts, a kind of optimism pervaded the closing sessions of the seminar. There was an almost unspoken but generally shared understanding, linking the many points of view expressed by participants of different backgrounds, that the real enemies of culture are other than lack of money.

Author(s): Garnham, Nicholas
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

The author offers a Marxist analysis of why the proliferation of channels under commercial control should be resisted. He argues that the market is an invitation to oligarchs who put profit above values or diversity. Although it is cheaper to buy programming than to produce it, such temptation should be resisted or Dallas and its clones will pervade the international airwaves.

Author(s): Markusen, Ann
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2003

The author looks at occupations in U.S. metro regions to demonstrate the extent to which traditional urban hierarchies are breaking down and how specialization is becoming more salient. He then focuses on the various concentrations of artistic occupations across metro regions in America.

Author(s): Weiping Wu
Date of Publication: Feb 11, 2005

The author focuses on how urban policies and the clustering of creative industries has influenced urban outcomes. The set of creative industries include those with output protectable under some form of intellectual property law. More specifically, this sub-sector encompasses software, multimedia, video games, industrial design, fashion, publishing, and research and development

Author(s): Weiping Wu
Date of Publication: Jan 31, 2005

The author focuses on how urban policies and the clustering of creative industries has influenced urban outcomes. The set of creative industries include those with output protectable under some form of intellectual property law. More specifically, this sub-sector encompasses software, multimedia, video games, industrial design, fashion, publishing, and research and development

Author(s): Bystryn, Marcia
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1977

The author explains that the art market involves two types of galleries. The first type is the market-oriented galleries with primarily business goals. The other type is the artistic-oriented galleries with primarily cultural goals. She examines the examples of Betty Parsons and Sam Koonz galleries in New York in the 1940s and 1950s as embryonic of aspects of the contemporary art market.

Author(s): Garvin, David A
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

The author examines the strategy of producing blockbusters in all aspects of the entertainment industries. The rapid rise of this strategy can be traced to a number of common changes in the conditions of supply and demand facing firms in these industries, including increased intermedia competition, rising fixed costs, and the growth of mass market. These changes, coupled with the uncertain demand that characterizes the entertainment industries, have led many firms to opt for expensive, heavily promoted projects as a from of self-insurance.

Author(s): Stoller, Michael
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

The author examines the market for collectible goods and using the example of commemorative coins concludes that the relative value of commemorative coins is a direct function of the state of the economy, scarcity, intrinsic value, demonstrated investment potential, affordability, and limited risk.

Author(s): Seaman, Bruce A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

The author examines the impact on the of nonconventional economists (which the author labels institutionalist) versus the conventional neoclassical economists, but which the author concludes that neither approach has been able to provide much useful advice to arts decision-makers.

Author(s): Singer, Leslie P.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1976

The author examines art markets as they relate to consumer services and financial services. We attempted to show that the separate aspects of consumer and financial services, present in art, can be integrated into a consistent model of consumer choice.


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