Author(s): Kurtz, Daniel L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

The text enables the board member to foresee problem areas and thus avoid the time, expenses, and headaches involved in litigation. The volume attempts a nuts-and-bolts approach to the legal responsibilities of nonprofit corporation board members, and it also tackles the complex legal problems and associated protective mechanisms involved in both common law and statutory liabilities of board members. Any book that realistically outlines the legal obligations of a board member will likely worry the new or prospective member, so this book could create some anxieties. Toward the end of the

Author(s): Zimmerman, Robert M.
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2000

This guidebook is designed for board members and volunteers of nonprofits who want to help solicit funds through a major donor effort but don't have a lot of experience or time on their hands. In simple to understand "how to" language you learn the specifics of how to ask for the money.

Author(s): D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) is the District of Columbia's official arts agency. Since 1968, the DCCAH has developed programs and initiatives that support local artists, arts organizations, and arts activities, for the benefit of the city. Under the direction of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, the DCCAH functions simultaneously as a state and local arts agency, and is the sole source of public funding for the arts in the District of Columbia. The mission of the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities is to provide grants, programs, and

Author(s): National Center for Nonprofit Boards
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

As I've met with hundreds of board members and chief executives over the past two years, I've had a chance to listen to their very strong reactions to what some perceive as sagging public confidence in the nonprofit sector and growing concerns about the accountability of America's nonprofit organizations.

Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1999

This is a transcription of a session from the Grantmakers in the Arts 1999 conference, Strengthening the Arts Through Policy, Performance and Practice, held on November 14-17, 1999 in San Francisco, California.

Author(s): Hirzy, Ellen Cochran
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Selecting, enabling, and evaluating the performance of the executive director are three of the fundamental responsibilities of orchestra board member. How these responsibilities are carried out has a major impact on an orchestra's well-being. Therefore, it is essential that orchestra board members involve themselves in the board-executive partnership as knowledgeably and thoughtfully as possible. This book gives useful guidance and insights for achieving an optimal board-executive relationship. (Foreword)

Author(s): Hirzy, Ellen Cochran
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1990

Introduction: An overview of orchestras and orchestra governance.

Author(s): Thorn, George W.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

The author examines redefining the role of the board of trustees and understanding the financial needs of their arts organizations and be able to contribute to those needs.

Author(s): Gerstein, Bernard
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1986

The author discusses his experiences of serving on the boards of the New York Shakespeare Festival, Feld Ballet and the Lincoln Center Theater

Author(s): Tamburri, Lawrence; Gehret, G. Michael; Posey, Meg; Judy, Paul R.; Maitlis, Sally; Orleans, James; Fischer, Marilyn; Jackson, Isaiah; Virkhaus, Taavo; Huscher, Phillip
Date of Publication: Mar 31, 1997

In the fourth issue of the semi-annual journal, Harmony, several essays explore the unique dynamics of symphony orchestra organizations. A number of essays will remind readers of the large and, in many cases, untapped human potential which resides in these organizations. More particularly, participants and observers are beginning to suggest how symphony orchestra organizations might change or are, in fact, changing to become better functioning and more effective institutions. 

Author(s): Ingram, Richard T.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

Author(s): Nelson, Judith Grummon
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1990

Governing boards, whether they are called boards of directors, trustees, or managers, are the valuable steering wheels of nonprofits and are responsible for fulfilling their varied and worthwhile missions. To help your nonprofit organization to advance and grow, it is critical to develop a strong, effective and productive governing board. Such a board is potentially your most important instrument both for general institution-building and for fund raising.

Author(s): National Information Bureau
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1974

Author(s): Klein, Sabrina
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1998

This publication will benefit people interested in or committed to serving on boards for performing arts organizations, such as theater, dance, music, opera or any artistic endeavor that features live performers and a live audience. A variety of topics are discussed including: 

Author(s): Rogers, Eric R.; Strong, Tonda N.; Tomson, Nancy Smith; Vickers, Donn F.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

A useful publication designed to optimize the working relationship between an organizations executive director and board leadership. A variety of topics are covered in the book including:


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