The Free and the Anti-Free


In the never-ending saga of artists struggling for steady income and perceived value, N + 1 offers this take on how journalists are also dealing with the fluctuations and boutique-ness of post-print journalism.

Creativity Creep


Have we grown obsessed with the idea of the "creative economy"? Creativity was not always the buzzword that is is today--but historically, prioritizing "creativity," while always important to us, has never been quite so linguistically relevant.

What are brands for?


Would a coke be anything but a cola if it were not for the red can and logo? The value of smart, audience savvy branding is hardly questioned, but we often struggle to understand why we hold such attachment or high valuations of certain brands.

Are You An Introvert? 8 Ways to Make Networking Easier


In the marketing world, networking is everything: it's essential for personal career advancement as well as business development. If you're an introvert, it can be difficult to face the necessity of networking in today's business world. Learn how to take steps to make the process a little easier.

3 Ways Analytics Is Helping Marketers Reinvent Themselves


Analytics can be a daunting thing for marketers who are more keen on the arts than the sciences. However, it can also be an essential tool for arts marketers to reinvent themselves in the digital marketing world. Read up on how marketers have been putting big data to good use, and how you can too.

Image courtesy of Blue Fountain Media via Flickr

Millennials Think Globally, and Other Lessons from the World Cup


The world cup was not only a month-long tournament of football excellence from around the world--it was also a marketing extravaganza, with ads and experiences focused on international audiences and a tremendous scope of cultural identities. Here are a few takeaways on how advertisers hit the mark, or missed entirely, with millenials, latinos, and disadvantaged soccer fans the world over.

How to Track the Success of Your Email Campaign in Google Analytics


Email campaigns with patrons and customers are critical to success but it can prove difficult to understand the full-impact of your email marketing strategy. This breakdown of what to look for in Google Analytics reports can help shed some light on your click-through rates and email traffic so you can better optimize your e-blasts.

2013 Performing Arts Digital Marketing Benchmark Survey


See data from 65+ organizations who provided benchmark information from their digital marketing efforts in calendar year 2013. This report is chock-full of budgeting guidelines, digital priorities, and a birds-eye view of what performing arts organizations are doing to advance their presence in the digital space.

Crowdfunding Site Brings New Patrons to the Arts


For artists struggling to find steady income in a freelance-driven, free-content economy, a new app seeks to harness crowdfunding as a means for patronage toward creative, digital work. Patreon simply asks fans to donate to specific projects before they are completed so working artists can continue to create, and fans can continue to enjoy.

Shock And Awe


We've all heard of "sexy" issues and causes that make visual, engaging marketing that much easier. Of course, not everyone can be so fortunate. However, with the help of two videographers from social media empire, CollegeHumor, Save the Children made a viral hit out of issues like disease and death by addressing them head on--with a little sex appeal to boot.

How Much Are Your Customers Worth?


It might sound cold, but when it comes to customer engagement, not all humans are created equal. Taking the time to calculate your Customer Lifetime Value takes into account both the initial purchase as well as the likelihood of future purchases, which can be useful in determining what customer base to focus your time and attention on. Learn how to determine your customers’ value to your organization, and how to optimize your marketing expenditures in response.

Image courtesy of Stavos via Flickr

The Science of Brainstorming


Forget what you heard about great ideas coming from massive “eureka!” moments – research is continuing to show that the most creative, groundbreaking ideas can come from a series of incremental, nitty-gritty, small steps. Find out how you can apply the science of brainstorming to your organization’s creative development to produce innovative, long-lasting ideas.

How Nonprofiteers Can Love (or Leave) Their Work


Anyone who’s even worked in the nonprofit industry knows there’s a necessary sacrifice: in an industry that by nature is not driven by revenue goals, there’s a lower cap to your salary, but with just as much risk of burnout as any other career. Read up on some reminders of why we’re in the industry to begin with, how to make the most of the organizational structure of the nonprofit, and how you’re not alone in the struggle.

Image courtesy of Anita Borg Institute via Flickr

5 Proven Ways to Increase Online Donations


It is officially time for fundraisers to focus their efforts on the world of online donations. With digital giving continually surpassing any other increases in overall giving, fundraisers need to focus on both reaching and engaging more donors while still acknowledging that not all online fundraising experiences are created equal. Here are five tried and true ways that fundraisers can shift their efforts in order to maximize their donations from online platforms.

How to Create a Culture of Content Marketing From The Top Down


When it comes to the arts marketing industry, we are constantly facing the challenge of tackling content marketing. For years arts marketers have been devising elaborate plans and schemes to tame the beast, when in reality at the core of content marketing strategy is one single mantra: “They ask, you answer.” Check out this compilation of some of content consultant Marcus Sheridan’s advice about successful content marketing.

How to Grow the Facebook Audience You Didn’t Even Know You Had


In order to make the most of the numbers of new visitors to your sites and Facebook pages every day, you need to learn how to turn these hit-and-quitters into engaged consumers. Find out how to grow this audience with step-by-step instructions on how to set up and track audience engagement on the largest social media platform in the world.

Image courtesy of Niall Kennedy via Flickr


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